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Last year Ive mostly spent on my PSP/PS2 . I bought a Slim & Lite PSP ( 230 $ ) I would say >25 PSP games ( ~ 450 $ ) , and 7 PS2 games ( ~ 250 $ - yes , they are still expensive ) and some PC games/accessories/PSP accessories/magazines and stuff worth of ~ 200 $ . So Ive also sold my PSP for ~ 150 $ . So total would be ~ 100-1100 $ .

This year I also bought a DS allready ( but I might sell it , because only a month and Im allready bored of it , but I might stick out untiull NGDS ) and a couple of games for it . If Il buy a PS3 than my gaming budget for this year will be ~ 2000-2500 $ , if not , than I think 800-1000 $ will be an accurate estimation .

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!