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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone else happy with 3D World commercial failure?

oniyide said:
Pavolink said:
oniyide said:

what else are they supposed to do? if not Mario then what?

Diversify the library to attract other people who don't like the Mario box?

alot easier said than done, and IMHO i dont have faith that they CAN do it

Well, that's a part of why I hope they realice Wii U is not Wii but a GameCube 2  and starts developing more games aside of Mario.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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How is this a commercial failure, it has 4 more weeks and less than 700K to to sell to match 3D Land, it also doesn't need to as this game is released on a smaller install base
I'm referring to the time taken to sell 1 million in NA
It's holding well in Japan and sales have stabilized so it is not a commercial failure
I'm getting the game on mid January simply because it's the only time of the year that i can get games from America (outside of the summer break) on.

bet with ash3336 he wins if Super Mario 3D World sells less than Mario Sunshine during the first three years, I win if 3D World outsells Sunshine's first 3 years. Loser get sig controlled for 3 months (punishment might change)

Do you doubt the WiiU? Do you believe that it won't match the GC?

Then come and accept this bet

Nintendo eShop USA sales ranking 2/12/2013 :

Lucas-Rio said:

To me, it's great to the game selling badly, because it mean Nintendo with stop with the 3D Land approach, the cat gimmick and the multiplayer based platformer and we give us back the Mario we love.

A new Galaxy, 64 or Sunshine may come to life now.

I agree that nothing tops 64  but


3D Land is great compared to NSMB. I wish that would fail.   I want massive Mario64 style games every XY years and in the meantime a smaller 3D Land/World that replaces  NSMB

Before 3D Land/world dies nsmb should and then we can still discuss the death of the 3D series.

I mean... is it selling horribly?

700K out of 4 million users seem that bad.

I mean hell, look at the other Mario games on Wii U.

It's sell just like Mario Brothers Wii U. Which the 2D ones have actually been more popular lately.

People really need to lower their expectations down from Wii. Down from Ps3, down from 360.....

all the way down to almost Vita level really.

Well... maybe not software wise since Nintendo is great at capturing it's audience, but quite honestly, people need to reign back the Wii U belief.

i joined vgchartz today(yea), just to remind its users( which will include me now) just how retarded they are. there are 2 was to purchase wii u games. 1. going to a store and buying the physical copy(the disc). 2. digital downloading them from the eshop. When people compare sales they only talk physical copies. 3d world is the top download on nintendos wii u eshop. They have them listed in order, take a look for yourselfs. when you add the physical disc sales together with the digital downloaded sales(which nintendo doesn't release) you're looking at a blockbuster sales. I have only 3 games that i bought physical copies for. COD:BO 2, COD:GHOST, AND WARRIOR OROCHI 3 HYPER(it was at gamestop for $15 couldn't let it pass me by). Here are the rest, and they are all digital downloads.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              






Deus ex:directors cut

Splinter Cell




 Wii SportsU

Fifa 13(and im black)

Ninja Gaiden

Darksiders 2

Most Wanted U


I have no need for physical games anymore. There's nothing inside the box to collect anymore. no posters,collectors items, or the bad ass art work that use to be packaged in the box or case with the physical game. unless its on sell at a crazy ridiculous price, i'll stick with digital. And if people did any research, they would probably know that more and more people are choosing digital(which is the correct format being that this is suppose to be a new generation of gaming) on wii u. I Get 5 bucks back everytime i download a $60 dollar game. All digital this gen baby.






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I honestly think 3D world is better than Galaxy.


Its the most fun ive had in a game in a long time. All the people complaining you have never play it so please do us all a favor and play it. It truly is amazing. ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~

3d world > Galaxy

3D world is just amazing anyone who disagrees has obviously never played it and you should it is one of the most fun games in years.


edit:double post but o well maybe now you'll read this :P ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~
prayformojo said:
I am under the belief that Mario should be retired for a few years or more BUT, if and when it happens, console Mario's should always be way more ambitious. Leave the 2D for handhelds where that sort of thing belongs.

Besides, the only reason we got 3D World is because Nintendo, under Iwata, has turned into a cheap company. They were able to use the same assets and design concept with 3D World. Had they developed something revolutionary like Galaxy? The costs would have been insanely higher.

I love how people judge a game without even playing it.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, on all points.

i bet its allready beyond the breakevenpoint. it dont look like a 100m$ game. nintendo is realy good on making good gaes on little money.
and we will see a map dlc for it, nintendo did it before with the 2d mario on wii u(and with mario on nes^^)
its a cheap way to make a game and a good dlc pleases the fans easy. who dont wanna have 50 more lvl for 3dworld?

toot1231 said:

3d world > Galaxy

3D world is just amazing anyone who disagrees has obviously never played it and you should it is one of the most fun games in years.edit:double post but o well maybe now you'll read this :P

This is my impression to. I also have the feeling that those downplaying 3D World in favour of Galaxy really haven't played 3D World. For me this is the best 3D Mario i have ever played, its such a magical experience for me i just cant help feel people talking crap about it never actually played it.