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i joined vgchartz today(yea), just to remind its users( which will include me now) just how retarded they are. there are 2 was to purchase wii u games. 1. going to a store and buying the physical copy(the disc). 2. digital downloading them from the eshop. When people compare sales they only talk physical copies. 3d world is the top download on nintendos wii u eshop. They have them listed in order, take a look for yourselfs. when you add the physical disc sales together with the digital downloaded sales(which nintendo doesn't release) you're looking at a blockbuster sales. I have only 3 games that i bought physical copies for. COD:BO 2, COD:GHOST, AND WARRIOR OROCHI 3 HYPER(it was at gamestop for $15 couldn't let it pass me by). Here are the rest, and they are all digital downloads.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              






Deus ex:directors cut

Splinter Cell




 Wii SportsU

Fifa 13(and im black)

Ninja Gaiden

Darksiders 2

Most Wanted U


I have no need for physical games anymore. There's nothing inside the box to collect anymore. no posters,collectors items, or the bad ass art work that use to be packaged in the box or case with the physical game. unless its on sell at a crazy ridiculous price, i'll stick with digital. And if people did any research, they would probably know that more and more people are choosing digital(which is the correct format being that this is suppose to be a new generation of gaming) on wii u. I Get 5 bucks back everytime i download a $60 dollar game. All digital this gen baby.