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Forums - Sales Discussion - The funny part about GT6 being so inferior to Forza 5

Exactly. I've said this all along. There is the court of reviews, and there is the court of public opinion and the public prefers GT by a country mile.

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Mr Puggsly said:
ps3-sales! said:

It'll likely sell 2x the amount lifetime (at least) that Forza 5 will. So for all those complaining how less than stellar GT6 is, it won't really affect the sales. 

Btw, GT6 is at an 80 on metacritic, Forza 5 is at an 81. Just pointing that out. 

Oh, and I hate both games, and sim racers in general, due to the fact that they suck at being games while exceeding at being sims, which are boring in my opinion. 

Have a great day ;)

Seems like Forza fans are getting to you.

If you're gonna make some flamebait, atleast make an effort to get some real discussion going.

That was your goal?

ps3-sales! said:
Lulz said:

Well GT is a rare franchise in regards to how absolutely massive and high-profile it is, and rightfully so. It's right up there with franchises like Mario, Mario Kart, CoD, Halo, etc. that have established themselves as iconic, or even legendary. Critic reviews have little to no effect on the sales of these franchises at this point.

Sales wise yes but GT hasn't held up as well as those games in my opinion. 

With Mario, you almost have unlimited ways to innovate... 3D world, 2d mario, 3D game like galaxy. Halo improves the story/visuals and has new features. Mario Kart is just fucking awesome. CoD improves like halo but to a much lesser extent because of yearly releases. 

Then we have Gran Turismo. How much more photorealistic can these type of games get? Not much if you ask me. I'd rather have a fun game than a sim game that is just, well, boring. Driveclub looks to me like an awesome racing game because it's not just 100% sim. That's why the Forza series is superior because (from the ones I've played) it's not 100% sim. 

GT just sells the most for being the most boring to play. Go figure. #Sonyfanlogic

Most boring to play...sorry that's BS. For sim racers it is the most fun period. if it were that boring it would not sell 10 + million/... You keep repeating it's boring, it doesn't make iot fact. For Sim racing fans, it is as good as it gets. You obviously don't get the thrill of driving cars with realistic handling, physics. Why is someone who doesn;t like/appreciate race sims keep commenting on them?

ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

And what about GT5 outseller every Forza on 360? what do you say to that?

naruball said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

You just made fun of someone on the interwebs! Congrats. Claim your free cookie at

OP: True, the difference in quality is tiny. Reviewers keep giving GT low scores for its genre alone. As for the install base, we've seen time after time not making a difference. Hence multiplat games selling better on psvita than ps3. 


(ps. the irony in my post doens't escape me).

He wont reply, I've found with Smeg is does hit and run tactics. When he is called out on something he generally doesn't reply or if you write something on his wall and he can't argue with it he will just delete the comment lol

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Reasurrance thread?

think-man said:
naruball said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

You just made fun of someone on the interwebs! Congrats. Claim your free cookie at

OP: True, the difference in quality is tiny. Reviewers keep giving GT low scores for its genre alone. As for the install base, we've seen time after time not making a difference. Hence multiplat games selling better on psvita than ps3. 


(ps. the irony in my post doens't escape me).

He wont reply, I've found with Smeg is does hit and run tactics. When he is called out on something he generally doesn't reply or if you write something on his wall and he can't argue with it he will just delete the comment lol

LOL, yep he is always proven wrong then disappears, only to repeat the same thing a week later, rinse, repeat.

Panicnausia said:
think-man said:
naruball said:

You just made fun of someone on the interwebs! Congrats. Claim your free cookie at

OP: True, the difference in quality is tiny. Reviewers keep giving GT low scores for its genre alone. As for the install base, we've seen time after time not making a difference. Hence multiplat games selling better on psvita than ps3. 


(ps. the irony in my post doens't escape me).

He wont reply, I've found with Smeg is does hit and run tactics. When he is called out on something he generally doesn't reply or if you write something on his wall and he can't argue with it he will just delete the comment lol

LOL, yep he is always proven wrong then disappears, only to repeat the same thing a week later, rinse, repeat.

haha yeah its truly comical.

A_C_E said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

It doesn't matter what the fanbase is..well yes it does but...GT5 sold 10 million on an install base of 80 million. I don't think a single Forza has sold half that yet the 360 has an install base of 80 million. I think what PS3-sales meant by that part of his post was that GT will still sell more than Forza no matter what the meta/hate/install base/consumer opinion is.

Forza Motorsports 3 sold 5.36 million copies so its more then half of 10 million.  Also each Forza game could have sold more it there where more then a two year gap between each release.

Panicnausia said:
ps3-sales! said:
Lulz said:

No argument there. That doesn't change how absurd it is to compare sales of a launch game to sales of a game with a user base of 80 million+.

I'm not even comparing the sales. I think people are missing the point I'm trying, and somehow failing, to convey here. 

I made this thread because I saw all these other threads, and reviews alike, about how GT6 is a dissappointment and failure of a game. I'm just saying, it's 1 point lower than the "critically acclaimed* Forza 5 for a next console, and the fact that it'll still outsell it even though it's technically a *worse* game. 

Both games however, are vastly overrated.

Says you, for racing sim fans they are as good as it gets. If your not a racing sim fan why are you talking about racing sims?

Funny you of all people should mention that. You're not an Xbox One fan, but I see you post in tons of Xbox One threads. Nothing ever constructive, but you do manage to post in an awful lot of them.

Just sayin'.