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Forums - Sales Discussion - The funny part about GT6 being so inferior to Forza 5

Sales don't mean everything. I wouldn't really listen to the critics or the sales, and would decide on my own which is better.

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Hynad said:

Hum... Because I wasn't the one you talked to about that means  you never commented about graphics with anyone? Sounds reasonable. ¬_¬

??? I guess you ran out of stuff to talk about buddy.

I'm not a graphics whore and not an avid racing game fan. I casually play them.

If I want graphics I'll shell some Yens on a PC.

Also, don't bag me into a group. I think for myself.

ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

Resistance 1 sold 4m on a console with low install base.  Resistance 3 staggered to over 1m on a console with a large install base.

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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Both are inferior to Mario Kart 64

Holy fuck I love you

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Looked at a review for TDU looks decent for a game released in 2006 even though it has a huge map it kinda looks bland.  The map in Horzion might be on the small size but its still a pretty good map with a lot of various looking locations.  Also I doubt TDU was as much fun online as Horzion is. Infected mode and to a lesser extent king mode is the most fun I had with any racing game online.  Horizon 2 just needs a map that is about two to three times bigger then the map in Horizon it should start out with at least 180 cars about 20 of them should be barn finds.  Add a couple of  more radio stations and have metals and  a rally mode from the beging of the game. 

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ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

You just made fun of someone on the interwebs! Congrats. Claim your free cookie at

OP: True, the difference in quality is tiny. Reviewers keep giving GT low scores for its genre alone. As for the install base, we've seen time after time not making a difference. Hence multiplat games selling better on psvita than ps3. 


(ps. the irony in my post doens't escape me).

naruball said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

You just made fun of someone on the interwebs! Congrats. Claim your free cookie at

OP: True, the difference in quality is tiny. Reviewers keep giving GT low scores for its genre alone. As for the install base, we've seen time after time not making a difference. Hence multiplat games selling better on psvita than ps3. 


(ps. the irony in my post doens't escape me).

This is where I got from that link

Anyway... People are taking what I was trying to say, and twisting it into their own *he's a Sony fanboy* way. Oh wait, I forgot I'm on the internet. 

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Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

platformmaster918 said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
You mean a game on a console with a huge install base will most likely outsell a game on a console that just launched? Wow. Who knew. Might I suggest you seek a job in rocket science because you obviously see things the rest of us cannot

Resistance 1 sold 4m on a console with low install base.  Resistance 3 staggered to over 1m on a console with a large install base.

Resistance 1 was bundled a lot the third one was the worst game in the franchise so it really didn't deserve much more sales then it got.  That being said Forza 5 doesn't deserve a lot of sales either since it could easily have been a lot better.  They should have delayed the game a couple of weeks and they could have easily included all the fantasy tracks they scratched (they don't have to be laser scanned just slightly upgraded graphically) and added at least 20 more cars.

Chris Hu said:

Looked at a review for TDU looks decent for a game released in 2006 even though it has a huge map it kinda looks bland.  The map in Horzion might be on the small size but its still a pretty good map with a lot of various looking locations.  Also I doubt TDU was as much fun online as Horzion is. Infected mode and to a lesser extent king mode is the most fun I had with any racing game online.  Horizon 2 just needs a map that is about two to three times bigger then the map in Horizon it should start out with at least 180 cars about 20 of them should be barn finds.  Add a couple of  more radio stations and have metals and  a rally mode from the beging of the game. 

I never played horizon online as I didn't have live gold anymore. TDU had a lot of issues for me online, incompatible NAT type 4/5 race sessions, it was one of the reasons I gave up on live back then. Burnout paradise is the most fun I had in online arcade racers, great sessions.
The variety was good in Horizon but it felt a bit like disneyland, all too close together. Making the map 3x the size is a good start. Cruising around and exploring the island was a lot of fun in TDU, I missed that in Horizon. ETS2 provided it in spades anyway, now that's a good map size :) Too bad the trucks top out at 160 kph.

Horizon 2 with a big map and burnout paradise challenges, I might even get gold again :)

Goatseye said:
Nem said:

I dont know what this is about but GT6 is clearly a better game than Forza 5. The diference in ammount of content is quite clear.

Your 2 sentences don't connect.

Content=/= quality.

Now do the models of cars on Gt6 superior to Forza 5?

Are tracks better designed? Keep in mind Forza 5 didn't import any car model from previous iterations.

The quality is GT is good. Therefore more content means better.

If you mean the not so good models... they pale in comparison to the hundreads more cars that GT has compared to Forza.