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Panicnausia said:
ps3-sales! said:
Lulz said:

No argument there. That doesn't change how absurd it is to compare sales of a launch game to sales of a game with a user base of 80 million+.

I'm not even comparing the sales. I think people are missing the point I'm trying, and somehow failing, to convey here. 

I made this thread because I saw all these other threads, and reviews alike, about how GT6 is a dissappointment and failure of a game. I'm just saying, it's 1 point lower than the "critically acclaimed* Forza 5 for a next console, and the fact that it'll still outsell it even though it's technically a *worse* game. 

Both games however, are vastly overrated.

Says you, for racing sim fans they are as good as it gets. If your not a racing sim fan why are you talking about racing sims?

Funny you of all people should mention that. You're not an Xbox One fan, but I see you post in tons of Xbox One threads. Nothing ever constructive, but you do manage to post in an awful lot of them.

Just sayin'.