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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is no one complaining about paying for PSN?

DraconianAC said:

 I also never bought an xbox because it's exclusives give me little incentive to buy the console. (MY OPINION, I'm not much into shooters though I'll play them sometimes)

Why would you mention shooters? The Xbox have more exclusive than shooters, (which I think it only has two franchises in that genre) that's a misconception I thought we had passed through already! :(

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Euphoria14 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
This is the top excuse I hear:
"I don't mind paying for PSN because I get so much value out of it"
Even though just a year ago you would see a bunch of people crying about MS charging for XBL.

Come on guys, bring better arguments than this sense of "double standards".


People were bitching about XBLive because other than online gaming, what did it give you? Take a moment to answer that.


Once you are done answering please answer this:


What do you get with PS+?

What do you mean? I happily pay for both services. Obviously tens of millions of gamers find value in paying for XBL.

DraconianAC said:

I complained about Xbox Live with the 360. I straight out said I wouldn't pay for the service and hence, not buy an Xbox. I also never bought an xbox because it's exclusives give me little incentive to buy the console. (MY OPINION, I'm not much into shooters though I'll play them sometimes)

As time went on, I began to notice the games PSN+ where renting out. I did the math and decided to spend $50 dollars to test out how many good games I could rent. After 1 year and 2 months later, I feel like got my months worth. I spent another $50 dollars last september, and if they continue to lease out content the way they are now, I'll be happy to give them more of my money.

I've never liked the idea of having to pay to play online, but I never said I wouldn't mind paying for a rental service. I give Netflix $8.00 a month and don't complain. Why? I'm getting content that feels equivilant to the money spent or more.


Now for PS4 PSN+ vs Xbox One Live. I don't own any of these systems nor the WiiU. Non of these sytems has attracted my attention. I'll wait another year or two to decide if its worth upgrading and on to which. I don't even know if PS4 PSN+ plus is worth it. I didn't like that they are making it a requirement to play online (retail games); its made me pause and think because I don't know if the game rental service is going to change or possibly degrade. I understand they want to invest on servers, but my wallet won't open until I see value that appeals to me.

To sum it all up:  PSN+ is value that appeals to me over the competition.


That is the main thing, the value. I held off on PSN+ for 2 1/2 years and only got it because of GoW Collection and it's free 1-month PSN+ code.


I shortly thereafter grabbed a 3-month sub to see how much "value" I got, and I was impressed. Of course this is because I owned a PS3 and a PS Vita. Many games I bought and later sold (Due to money restrictions) suddenly became available again. It was awesome, plus I got Rayman for Vita, which I wanted to buy but wouldn't shell out $30-$40 for.

Now I have a PS4 and thanks to BF and Gamestop I got a year for just $30. I am currenly set until Feb 2015 and from now until then I am positive that the games I get to play for my $30 ($50 without a deal) will far outweight what I paid into the service.

It is fantastic value, which is what makes it stand out amongst the rest. This is apparent to me since I am normally a frequent game renter from Redbox and/or Gamefly. Those services costs add up to A LOT more than PSN+.

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Most of the people complaining about the cost of PSN/+ are not PS gamers...

It's all about the game.

lilwingman said:
Most of the people complaining about the cost of PSN/+ are not PS gamers...

I guess that most of the people complaining about paying for Xbox Live Gold weren't Xbox gamers either xD

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NobleTeam360 said:
Euphoria14 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
This is the top excuse I hear:
"I don't mind paying for PSN because I get so much value out of it"
Even though just a year ago you would see a bunch of people crying about MS charging for XBL.

Come on guys, bring better arguments than this sense of "double standards".


People were bitching about XBLive because other than online gaming, what did it give you? Take a moment to answer that.


Once you are done answering please answer this:


What do you get with PS+?

What do you mean? I happily pay for both services. Obviously tens of millions of gamers find value in paying for XBL.

Of course they did, at time of XB360 launch and even at the time of PS3 launch the 360 had the premiere online gaming service. By 2008-2012 that was no longer the case as Sony reduced the gap.

Now MS is beginning to try and add value by giving free games, just like Sony does with PS+. Only issue I have though is that they tend to be incredibly old titles. Yes, you get to keep them forever, but they are old and in some cases, like with GoW, the first game in a franchise with (4) titles.

It is getting better though.

People should stop thinking it is 100% double standards when in fact right now the reactions are different because the entire landscape has changed.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

Look, a lot of things have changed now. Just let it go.

-It was "You can't play sales", "I guess Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world, huh?". Now, with home consoles breaking records, sales are extremely important.

-Performance wasn't an issue before if the games were virtually identical. Now, if a game is less HD than another, it's crap .

-Mandatory installs and incredibly long updates were tolerable. Now, waiting 10 minutes for a game to install will kill you.

-It didn't matter which controller was best, as long as the controller was good enough for the games YOU wanted to play. Now, if you're playing with anything less than the best controller (as voted by most gaming sites, you're a loser.

-Paying an annual fee for online gaming was damn near criminal. How can any company hold half the game YOU PAID FOR hostage unless you paid an annual fee? Now, it's okay.

-Gay marriage was frowned up. Now, it's legal.

-Digital games "didn't count". Now, they're just as important as retail titles.

I hope you've learned something. These are different times and different rules will apply.

Euphoria14 said:

It is getting better though.

What Xbox Live Gold haters should understand is that every service needs time. Certainly they have thrown some trash to the gamers, but I can only think the games will keep getting better and better. PS+ needed almost a year to be where it stands now.

Cj2i3 said:
I am upset that I have to pay for XBL to play online for the 360 and Xbone and I am also irate that I have to pay for PS+ to play online for PS4. With that said at least PS+ is throwing in games like Grid 2, Binary Domain, Resogun where with XBL I get fucking Kingdom of Keflings or some crap like that.

Goddammit. Say one more bad thing about Kingdom of Keflings and so help me, I will find you.

I complained and plenty of people did and do complain about MP behind the paywall, so this thread was created under false pretenses for the purposes of making it seem Sony fans are hypocrits.

Also what's behind the PSN paywall is not the same as what's behind the XBL paywall. With PSN AFAIK you don't have to pay Sony in order to subscribe to and pay for 3rd party services. That has always been a major criticism of XBL and it's not one that applies to PSN.

Personnally I don't do multiplayer, so i have no use for PSN+ other than the "free" and discounted price games. And it's pretty much an economic no-brainer to get PSN+ because the value of the "free" games far outweighs the cost. Of course XBL subscribers should be thanking Sony for influencing MS in the direction of providing free access to games for XBL Gold.

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