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Forums - General Discussion - Abortion survivor story


A lot of abortion cases not rape/abuse ?

True 46 67.65%
False 5 7.35%
We don't know 15 22.06%
Soleron said:

OK so everyone needs to keep a record of whether they used contraception or not. In fact, probably needs to be signed record by both partners every time they have sex.

Remember court battles over up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in support are at stake here. The above isn't absurd if you consider that. You'd get females alleging that that one time he didn't use it, and the male saying he did.

What I was arguing was cases where the man should be responsible. I never implied that it would be possible in practice. Do you agree that a man who has unprotected sex should be responsible for the child if the woman decides to go through with it?

As for the practical legal implications, I would be fine if the law assumed a pregnancy resulted from unprotected sex rather than ineffective contraception. Yes, very small percentage of men would be treated unfairly due to broken condoms (a risk they are always aware of, remember). However, think about the alternative: all males would be able to have endless unprotected sex without fear of consequences. I think the former scenario would have much better practical implications than the alternative.

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Jay520 said:
Soleron said:


What I was arguing was cases where the man should be responsible. I never implied that it would be possible in practice. Do you agree that a man who has unprotected sex should be responsible for the child if the woman decides to go through with it?

No. There should be a second decision point for the man before birth as to whether he intends to support it. Then with that knowledge the woman is free to keep it or not.

Practically this is the best possible ending for both parties. Both get to make an informed decision and consequences aren't forced on anyone.

As for the practical legal implications, I would be fine if the law assumed a pregnancy resulted from unprotected sex rather than ineffective contraception. Yes, very small percentage of men would be treated unfairly due to broken condoms (a risk they are always aware of, remember). However, think about the alternative: all males would be able to have endless unprotected sex without fear of consequences. I think the former scenario would have much better practical implications than the alternative.

This kind of thing (1% of people get absolutely destroyed; 99% get away with it) is what I consider the worst possible outcome for any law. Like when everyone shares CDs but one guy gets a $60m infringement judgement. Or everyone makes racist remarks at some point but one guy goes to jail for 2 years over a Twitter comment. THAT is the real injustice in society.

Yes, both sexes should be able to have unlimited unprotected consensual sex without legal consequences. In fact I think that's a principle worth building our society on. Does sex need to have consequences? Like it's wrong or icky or something?

Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

No, you were trying to troll. I called you out and you did a 180. You really do not seem to read thoroughly and jump the gun as there were no insults in  my original comments, unlike the poor attempts you made. 

Don't tell me what I can or cannot comment on thank you very much. I'll provide my opinion when I feel like it and I will call out people like you when it's needed. Good day.

Kk well you take way too much tone from text and I asked a legitmate question. If I was trolling or trying to derail this thread then I believe more people would have stood up and said something and a Mod would have taken a look at the situation and tried to take a course of action, and as far as I know one else has said something to me. You took my question out of context and for that I am sry that you saw it that way. 
I feel bad that you honestly thought I was trying to troll this thread, maybe you should read the comment twice before responding to them.

Soleron said:
ninetailschris said:
Jay520 said:

Just asking a question because I'm curious where this could logical imply. Here is my question.

Couldn't one use the same logic to justify kill there 1-5 year old. Hear me out. If the parent believe the child will have social behavior problems because the child father was a rapist and her feelings towards the child will always be in a negative fashion. Then would it not be ok to kill the child because of potential negative impact of society that child may have. It is not uncommon for this to happen so, would the mother be justified in killing the child for society protection and her own child? We have to also factor in that if the mother doesn't want the child around anymore it is her choice seen she had to care the child as that's her right.

Um, adoption?

Could say the same for a baby in womb. This doesn't change the fact that child could potentially become violent because he has no actual mother or father. Some never leave orphan homes and become violent which is actually not unheard. Plus we have to pay for that and why do that to our government? Why put the child in a place he could come out abused and mishandled like it happens many times at these orphan homes. Plus what if he rejects his new parents and becomes a threat to society? I believe the woman should have the right to kill there son as she had to take care of the child and the man only gave the seed. The government didn't have care that child for 4-8 months, she did. Why are you invading in her life when it will not affect you?

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

ninetailschris said:
Soleron said:
ninetailschris said:
Jay520 said:

Just asking a question because I'm curious where this could logical imply. Here is my question.

Couldn't one use the same logic to justify kill there 1-5 year old. Hear me out. If the parent believe the child will have social behavior problems because the child father was a rapist and her feelings towards the child will always be in a negative fashion. Then would it not be ok to kill the child because of potential negative impact of society that child may have. It is not uncommon for this to happen so, would the mother be justified in killing the child for society protection and her own child? We have to also factor in that if the mother doesn't want the child around anymore it is her choice seen she had to care the child as that's her right.

Um, adoption?

Could say the same for a baby in womb.

Well, no. You'd still be making the mother carry it to viability and then give birth.

This doesn't change the fact that child could potentially become violent because he has no actual mother or father. Some never leave orphan homes and become violent which is actually not unheard.

"could" "potentially" "some" "not unheard of"

Plus we have to pay for that and why do that to our government?

OK so you can sidestep ethical concerns if it costs too much?

Why put the child in a place he could come out abused and mishandled like it happens many times at these orphan homes. Plus what if he rejects his new parents and becomes a threat to society?

"could" "like" "what if"

 I believe the woman should have the right to kill there son as she had to take care of the child and the man only gave the seed. The government didn't have care that child for 4-8 months, she did. Why are you invading in her life when it will not affect you?

Why are you trying to take those slaves off the plantation owner? He's been taking care of them all since birth. It's invading his life to say he can't keep them.

Around the Network
Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

No, you were trying to troll. I called you out and you did a 180. You really do not seem to read thoroughly and jump the gun as there were no insults in  my original comments, unlike the poor attempts you made. 

Don't tell me what I can or cannot comment on thank you very much. I'll provide my opinion when I feel like it and I will call out people like you when it's needed. Good day.

Kk well you take way too much tone from text and I asked a legitmate question. If I was trolling or trying to derail this thread then I believe more people would have stood up and said something and a Mod would have taken a look at the situation and tried to take a course of action, and as far as I know one else has said something to me. You took my question out of context and for that I am sry that you saw it that way. 
I feel bad that you honestly thought I was trying to troll this thread, maybe you should read the comment twice before responding to them.

Your still babbling on? No, a mod would not have taken action (i.e take a look at all the Nintendo flamebate threads) and the majority of  people on this site are pro choice, which is why I took it on my own to call you out, plain and simple. Feel bad for me? LMAO! Yeah that's really intelligent, as intelligent as regurgitating my comments about thoroughly reading before commenting.  So to be fair, I'll even it out. I feel very sorry for you that you were called out and made a weak attempt at trying to convince that your statement was simply taken out of context.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

BlowoverKing said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
BlowoverKing said:
Jay520 said:
menx64 said:

I know is her body, but shouldnt the father have the right to decide as well? I can understand the case of a rapist or a a one night stand, but what about a husband or a long time boyfriend?

Just because a man donated his seed to a woman, that doesn't mean the woman should have to follow through and use that seed to form a child.

Then why did she have sex with him?

You should know better. In the West it is a culture of irresponsibility and "I'm not responsible" for my actions if there is a way out. So we create these terms and attempt to justify the abominable means in order to jusitfy our own perception on what is right and wrong. Some people beleive an unborn child (living being) has a right to life, others believe an unborn child has right to life at a certain trimester and that it should be determined by the mother as it is her child. People who are sick in the head beleive the women has the right to abort while the baby as long as the baby is still touching the female's body post birth. I guess we wont find out who's right until we're dead.

This was my point. You can have sex for pleasure all you want but in the end the main function for sex is to reproduce so don't be suprised if you have sex and then all of the sudden your pregnant.

I for one would be very surprised if I became pregnant after having sex

Edit: sry mean that as a message


GodzApostle said:
wangjingwanjia said:
I would just like to fill in that abortion is solely up to the woman, it's her body and should not be decided by any politician what she should do or do not with her body. She may discuss the matter with her partner/husband/one-night-stand/rapist, but in the end it's her body.

How many are due to irresponsible sex by consenting adults? The majority in the west I would say, in Africa and other places it's the contrary.

what a ridiculous comment. the baby growing inside the womans womb has 23 pairs of human chromosomes, it is the product of sexual intercourse between 2 human beings and has all the potential to become a full grown human being. its not up to the woman to decide if she wants to let it live just as it is not up to me to decide if you should be allowed to live.

whats the difference between you and a fetus? you have all your limbs? your brain is fully developed? is that the standard these days for whether or not you have a right to life?


I am not sure what you are talking about, the video in the first post? It's most likely YouTube or so, and it's blocked in China. I have not seen the video and I have not said that late abortions are okay. If this is what you are implying.

And please don't call my comment/opinion ridicoulus and disgusting, it's just not very nice.

In a perfect world abortion is not needed at all and just wrong. But our world is sick and twisted with irresponsible people and rapes and other cruel things do happen, therefore I wholeheartedly believe that abortion should be the choice of the woman. If she is raped for instance then yes, she should be allowed to have an abortion. If a 10 year old girl is raped and gets pregnant she should be allowed to have an abortion.

The only time abortion is debatable in my mind is when a teenager(or adult) has sex and "oops, momz I'm preggie LolLz". But if she makes an early abortion I think it's okay, still, because of the strange world we live in.