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Forums - General Discussion - Abortion survivor story


A lot of abortion cases not rape/abuse ?

True 46 67.65%
False 5 7.35%
We don't know 15 22.06%

i dont care if someone gets an abortion, but i'd be opposed to a family member getting it, because of the emotional turmoil it would most likely cause

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I'm with abortion. It's awful when it's being done by irresponsible women who had unprotected sex, but I still think that it's their right to have an abortion.

Talal said:
I'm with abortion. It's awful when it's being done by irresponsible women who had unprotected sex, but I still think that it's their right to have an abortion.

One of the fallacies I hate most in any political discussion is:

I disagree with it / It's morally wrong / It shouldn't happen / Someone could get upset about it ---------> It should be illegal

Soleron said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

Sure you can.  As much as you can make someone look after a child, pay for a child, not murder people, pay taxes and other things we force on individuals.  Society can do what it wants, rightly or wrongly.

It's cruel and unusual punishment. I hate to make this comparison but for psychological effect it's probably similar to rape (nonconsensual violation of genitals)

Don't make this a political issue. This is strictly an ethical one.

It is an issue on many fronts and I'm not talking politics.  The issue is nothing like rape, as we are not referring to rape situations.  It is a situation where a man and a woman chose to have sex.  If a pregnancy results, either the option to end the pregancy or continue it and raise the child is the mother's and the mother's alone, or the responsibility is also the father's and he must bare the burden of raising the child but also consent to ending the pregnancy artificially.  I'm just talking about consistency in laws governing pregnancy and children, regardless of what your view on abortion is.  The "it's the mother's body, her choice" but "you made the baby, you gots to pay for it" mentality is incredibly inconsistent.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Soleron said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

Sure you can.  As much as you can make someone look after a child, pay for a child, not murder people, pay taxes and other things we force on individuals.  Society can do what it wants, rightly or wrongly.

It's cruel and unusual punishment. I hate to make this comparison but for psychological effect it's probably similar to rape (nonconsensual violation of genitals)

Don't make this a political issue. This is strictly an ethical one.

It is an issue on many fronts and I'm not talking politics.  The issue is nothing like rape, as we are not referring to rape situations.  It is a situation where a man and a woman chose to have sex.  If a pregnancy results, either the option to end the pregancy or continue it and raise the child is the mother's and the mother's alone, or the responsibility is also the father's and he must bare the burden of raising the child but also consent to ending the pregnancy artificially.  I'm just talking about consistency in laws governing pregnancy and children, regardless of what your view on abortion is.  The "it's the mother's body, her choice" but "you made the baby, you gots to pay for it" mentality is incredibly inconsistent.

That's a great point. It's just unfair.

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TheLastStarFighter said:

It is an issue on many fronts and I'm not talking politics.  The issue is nothing like rape, as we are not referring to rape situations.  It is a situation where a man and a woman chose to have sex.  If a pregnancy results, either the option to end the pregancy or continue it and raise the child is the mother's and the mother's alone, or the responsibility is also the father's and he must bare the burden of raising the child but also consent to ending the pregnancy artificially.  I'm just talking about consistency in laws governing pregnancy and children, regardless of what your view on abortion is.  The "it's the mother's body, her choice" but "you made the baby, you gots to pay for it" mentality is incredibly inconsistent.

I said forcing someone to have a baby is psychological torture like rape. Do you disagree?

It is not inconsistent to say that pregnancy is the mother's body and her choice but that the care responsibility for the child is both.

I don't know how you can think forcing someone to have a baby is preferable to my merely "unkind" disowning-the-child solution.

The goal isn't to somehow give exactly equal treatment for both genders.

Jay520 said:
Also, my opinion of abortion don't just stem from morality, but also from the practical effects on society. If a woman is forced to have an unwanted child because abortion is illegal, then the child is more likely to grow up in a environment leading to anti-social behavior (see crime and abortion). There are even some would argue that aborting one child saves one or more lives from being victimized, but I haven't investigated that claim enough to form an opinion on it.

then couldnt you use that same argument about a post-born child? whats to guarentee the already born child doesnt live an anti-social, victimized life. Why not just kill them, to take them out of their potential misery.



furthermore for those who are claiming its "her own body" could you guys be any more ignorant of biology? its distinctly not her own body. no if's and's or but's about it. From the moment of conception. the baby is its own unique life, seperate from the mother.

And riddle me this why should the mother be the only party that should be involved witht the decision to murder her child. She say she want to murder it, its final, the father gets no say. even though its equally his child. but if that baby is born, all of a sudden his responsible for it, and has to provide for it. IS it his or not, make up your minds! which brings me to the next point. Why does someone get charged with double murder if the kill a pregnant mother, even if she is walking into an abortion clinic, yet if the mother goes ahead and murders her baby, its perfectly alright. Make up your mind is it human or not, it cant be both at the same time.

And then when is it a baby as opposed to a disposable clump of cells. it seems for many of you it okay, to take scissors and stab the babies spinal column, or burn it alive with saline solution, or having its body parts and limbs riped out one by one with forceps, right on up to the baby coming down through the birth canal. uterly repulsive. whats so magical about the split second beofore its completely out of the womb to the split second after its been delivered. what makes it a human. or what other magical timeframe makes it human. for many 5 months 29 days 23 hrs and 59 seconds. Nope not human, perfectly dispendable. but you hit 6 months, no no no , its a human now. the ignorance of science is staggering. 

furthermore, why do some of you guys abortion at this or that time frame is wrong or regrettable, or should be avoided. if its not feakin murder like you guys claim its not, then whats possibly wrong about dismembering you baby at for example 8 months?


wangjingwanjia said:
So in conclusion, sucks to be a woman.

no sucks to be the baby that has no say in the matter, but is always the victim of abortion. getting your limbs ripped apart, getting your spinal cord separated, or your body melted, kinda sucks.


wangjingwanjia said:
I would just like to fill in that abortion is solely up to the woman, it's her body and should not be decided by any politician what she should do or do not with her body. She may discuss the matter with her partner/husband/one-night-stand/rapist, but in the end it's her body.

How many are due to irresponsible sex by consenting adults? The majority in the west I would say, in Africa and other places it's the contrary.

what a ridiculous comment. the baby growing inside the womans womb has 23 pairs of human chromosomes, it is the product of sexual intercourse between 2 human beings and has all the potential to become a full grown human being. its not up to the woman to decide if she wants to let it live just as it is not up to me to decide if you should be allowed to live.

whats the difference between you and a fetus? you have all your limbs? your brain is fully developed? is that the standard these days for whether or not you have a right to life?


SocialistSlayer said:
Jay520 said:

then couldnt you use that same argument about a post-born child? 

I know you think that's a killer argument because no one would say yes but personally I'd be fine with that.