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TheLastStarFighter said:

It is an issue on many fronts and I'm not talking politics.  The issue is nothing like rape, as we are not referring to rape situations.  It is a situation where a man and a woman chose to have sex.  If a pregnancy results, either the option to end the pregancy or continue it and raise the child is the mother's and the mother's alone, or the responsibility is also the father's and he must bare the burden of raising the child but also consent to ending the pregnancy artificially.  I'm just talking about consistency in laws governing pregnancy and children, regardless of what your view on abortion is.  The "it's the mother's body, her choice" but "you made the baby, you gots to pay for it" mentality is incredibly inconsistent.

I said forcing someone to have a baby is psychological torture like rape. Do you disagree?

It is not inconsistent to say that pregnancy is the mother's body and her choice but that the care responsibility for the child is both.

I don't know how you can think forcing someone to have a baby is preferable to my merely "unkind" disowning-the-child solution.

The goal isn't to somehow give exactly equal treatment for both genders.