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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is your favorite console the best?

-compatible with GC games and control
-its fun with family
-motion controls
-Virtual console
-the channels
-awesome games
-internet channel

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The Wii because...

1. Virtual Console!
2. Wii Sports!
3. Zelda and Mario as good as their N64 predecessors!
4. News Channel and others!
5. Cheaper - especially the games!
6. Wide range of games!
7. Small and beautiful!

The Nintendo Wii b.c I really still like the GC games and the Wii satisfies that addiction and once in a while I like to get active and play wii games like Wii Sports. With the SSBB come out, and Mario Kart and Wii fit coming out it will make me love it even more!! :)


The games TO ME are better b.c I enjoy the Nintendo Franchise (more) I like Ratchet from Sony but overall the Nintendo char and games are the best!! TO ME!!!!!!!! 

All time N64 becuz:
-Best Games
-I love platformers and adventure games(Zelda OoT, mario64, DonkeyKong 64, Banjo Kazooie....)
-Love the controller
-Just best part of my childhood to be honest, it made me love Nintendo
-can just throw the cartridge on the wall without gettin a scratch(not like my first PS2 CDs!)

Now, well Wii cuz:
-i dont have enough games on my PS3
-Also, compatible with GC games(can play zelda WW again!)
-internet channel
-the virtual console is rly awesome
-controls definately
-admire how Nintendo captured a new audience of gamers
-did i say SSBB??
-It is best looking console by far
-I like the name!! Yes more than the boring "revolution", it is catchy!
-umm SSBB?

Tough one but illl say XBOX 360. I own a PS3 as well but pretty much play my 360 much more. Reasons include:

1. Xbox Live - Cream of the crop in terms of online gaming for consoles. Enjoying COD4 and Halo 3 right now. I personally feel that the PS3 wont be able to compete with MS when it comes to online gaming (even with Home), they simply have the infastructure and endless resources to supplement any cost. In addition, they charge for their service allowing for dedicated servers and a vast amount of content.

2. Huge Library of Great Games - 2006 Game of the Year, 2007 Game of the Year and a boatload of amazing games. Im not taking anything away for from the PS3 or Wii, but the 360 has at least 1 great game in every single genre imaginable. I think MS has done a really good job creating a good foundation of games to build off of. For example:

FPS- Halo
Strategy - Halo Wars, Uni at War
Action - Ninja Gaiden, Gears of War
Action RPG - Too Human, Fable 2, Mass Effect
RPG - Blue Dragon, Lost Oddessy, Infinite Undiscovery
etc etc.

3. New Franchises - Personally, I like seeing new things when it comes to games. For example, the FF series I stopped playing after 8, MGS I stoped playing after 2, Halo 3 I only play for the multi-player etc. MS has secured some great titles that are considered to be killer apps like Gears, Mass Effect, BioShock, TooHuman, Alan Wake, etc and they are all new. For me, I look forward to trying new things and all these games in my opinion keep the game industry feeling fresh.

4. Multiplayer Games - I think every EA Sport game is better on the 360. I bought Madden 08 for the PS3 and couldnt return it after I played it. Games tend to run really slow and for sports games that sucks. Seeing that the EA sports games are among some of the games I play with friends the most, it is frustrating that the PS3 cant compare to the 360's gameplay.

Thats basically my mean reasons. I do love my PS3, I do play Warhawk a fair bit and will probably pick up MGS4 cause of the hype but all in all I feel the 360 is a better all around console. I do think the graphics are better on the PS3 for its 1st party games and do like the Blu-Ray.

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I would never say that I think that my preferred console and/or handheld are the best, but there's something special about some Nintendo games, especially the Zelda series - but also Mario RPGs, SMG, Mario Kart, Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars.

I would also say 2D Mario Jump & Runs and SSBB, if I was not absolutely incapable of playing them.

I just think Nintendo is the best developer in the world. That's why I buy their consoles despite missing some great games on other platforms.

And I don't like FPS. I'm glad that only a few are released on Nintendo consoles. I know, there are not only FPS on Xbox360, there are hundreds of non-FPS games, but there's no doubt to me that this console is heavily, HEAVILY advertised towards FPS and all other games with shooting and cruel killing. That's why I decided not to buy a MS console again. This is not meant as bash against the 360, it's just that I realized - after 3 years with the Xbox - that MS's approach is not my cup of tea.

If I'll ever buy another console this gen, it'll be the PS3. The PS3 also sees many shooters, but the main focus still is Japan.

My favourite console is not neccessarily the best. Its the best for me, but not all others. I do prefer the PS3, though, which everyone probably knows, mostly because I've grown to like and even love the great games that have been going since the PS, and I also see the possibility of new and fun IP's in the future!
I am a PC gamer at heart though, so the PC would probably be my best platform of choice.

The PS3 is the best because besides having great games, it is the ultimate media hub. I can watch Blu-Rays and store all of my digital tv shows, movies, etc. on there and watch them at my leisure, and it really isn't difficult to set up.

The PSN being free and the high quality of PSN games helps push it over the top too.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

Mummelmann said:
My favourite console is not neccessarily the best. Its the best for me, but not all others. 

 I 100% agree with you there.  There is no "best" console.  You can talk about features but if other people don't care about those features they are meaningless.  You can talk about certain games but if other people don't like those genres or more specifically those franchises they also are meaningless.  In the end you pick and play what entertains you.  If you're fortunate enough to be able to enjoy multiple consoles then good for you.  Each system has its pros and cons and none are the "worst" just as none are the "best".

When I said why is your console the best. I meant why do you think its the best.