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I would never say that I think that my preferred console and/or handheld are the best, but there's something special about some Nintendo games, especially the Zelda series - but also Mario RPGs, SMG, Mario Kart, Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars.

I would also say 2D Mario Jump & Runs and SSBB, if I was not absolutely incapable of playing them.

I just think Nintendo is the best developer in the world. That's why I buy their consoles despite missing some great games on other platforms.

And I don't like FPS. I'm glad that only a few are released on Nintendo consoles. I know, there are not only FPS on Xbox360, there are hundreds of non-FPS games, but there's no doubt to me that this console is heavily, HEAVILY advertised towards FPS and all other games with shooting and cruel killing. That's why I decided not to buy a MS console again. This is not meant as bash against the 360, it's just that I realized - after 3 years with the Xbox - that MS's approach is not my cup of tea.

If I'll ever buy another console this gen, it'll be the PS3. The PS3 also sees many shooters, but the main focus still is Japan.