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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan Sales - Media Create,Famitsu, & dengeki: week 47 ( Nov. 18 - Nov. 24 ) Bomba everywhere!!

The numbers all around are poor. But it looks like November usually sucks for Japan with its holiday sales only starting at the very end of November. Only October and February look like worse months overall:

So comments regarding a lack of holiday sales is probably premature. Kid friendly titles like SM3DW, Drum, Pokemon etc. may pick up in the next 5 weeks. That said it doesn't look like SM3DW is really pushing sales so is unlikely to result in anywhere near the bump Nintendo was needing.

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No hardware figures from Famitsu?

RolStoppable said:
outlawauron said:
300k for LR is better than I thought. Still not good.
3D Mario under 100k. O_O

Vita TV and Wii U forever together in depths.

Now that's just trolling. Vita TV is a stillborn while the Wii U is at the very least a cripple.

Haha. We will have to see. Both are going to be at the bottom of the charts for a long time.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

How is 3D World a bomb
selling about 60% of the supply would mean that it met Nintendo's expectations
also we have no digital sales, the game is pretty small and no WiiU owner should have trouble downloading it, so i'm guessing that it had a bigger opening week that Super Mario 64 DS Which makes the future look OK
about a million or so life time
what killed the game in Japan is most likely the second trailer which should that the game was not following 3D Land all the way which made it less linear and japanese gamers simply prefer linear mario game and that's why 3D Land is the best selling 3D Mario and why Super Mario Bros. 2 surpassed 3D Land

edit: 3D World's shipment is between 180000 and 214000 units so good first week


bet with ash3336 he wins if Super Mario 3D World sells less than Mario Sunshine during the first three years, I win if 3D World outsells Sunshine's first 3 years. Loser get sig controlled for 3 months (punishment might change)

Do you doubt the WiiU? Do you believe that it won't match the GC?

Then come and accept this bet

Nintendo eShop USA sales ranking 2/12/2013 :

I have to shake my head at some of you "Mario 3D Worlds Bombed" folk. 3D Mario games do not sell excessively in Japan. Period. Please refer to opening weeks for Mario Galaxy when it was released for the Wii. The install base was 3.8 Million in Japan (260,993 first week) and Mario Galaxy 2 when the install base was 10.3 Million(340,397 first week). With only 1.16 Million consoles sold in Japan, 95-101 Thousand is a respectable enough opening.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

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I'm not really worried about Mario 3D World in the long term per se, worldwide. I'm sure when all's said and done Nintendo will be able to push its sales up to 4+ million WW, which will make it nicely profitable.

It's the whole "Wii U haz no games, you can't judge it, when it gets games like Mario 3D, then you will see a big explosion in sales!" folks that are probably getting the wake up call.

Mario is gonna be alright, it's the Wii U as a platform that is more of a concern.

I think that's actually good for Lightning Returns. The drop is normal considering the reception of the previous games and considering the low budget. I don't believe it's a sign of franchise fatigue (well maybe fatigue for FFXIII). FFXV should do great.

I think Gran Turismo 6 will be a bigger flop.

It sold far less than I expected and if the download figures are respectable Nintendo should at least release them for marketing purposes.

Regardless the main concern is that it moved so few consoles. If this number does not rise significantly over the next couple or so weeks even the mostest of Nintendo supporters will have to concede that Japan is a lost cause.

To be honest I don't really see any of the consoles doing any better there this time around. Handhelds seems to be the force there but we will see in time.

Ninjahound101 said:

How is 3D World a bomb
selling about 60% of the supply would mean that it met Nintendo's expectations
also we have no digital sales, the game is pretty small and no WiiU owner should have trouble downloading it, so i'm guessing that it had a bigger opening week that Super Mario 64 DS Which makes the future look OK
about a million or so life time
what killed the game in Japan is most likely the second trailer which should that the game was not following 3D Land all the way which made it less linear and japanese gamers simply prefer linear mario game and that's why 3D Land is the best selling 3D Mario and why Super Mario Bros. 2 surpassed 3D Land

edit: 3D World's shipment is between 180000 and 214000 units so good first week


Oh lawd. I didn't think anyone would try to defend it, let alone call it a good first week.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

colafitte said:
Soundwave said:
pezus said:
phenom08 said:
Lol Pezus you can't be serious? Sonys handheld can't sell well in Japan but you expect their home console? Yeah ok bud.

You can't seriously be asking me that question. Oh, you probably can since I know you, but...

Nothing for me to say here except "wait for it".

No offense but I think Sony fans have their own delusion going on here. 

What Japanese games does the PS4 even have coming out for it in 2014? Like 2 notable ones? The rest are all Western developed games, lol. 

I could see it having a good launch week just because I think Sony not launching in Japan probably felt like a slap in the face to some PS3 owners and they'll come out to support the launch (you don't want something until you're told you can't have it, that sorta thing), but long term ... I'm just not seeing it. 

I'm sony fan, and i expect a great launch for ps4 in japan, around 300-400k units 1st week, but like WiiU I expect ps4 to drop like a bomb during the year....Despite that i think it will do better than WiiU.

The top two posts summarise it well.

pezus I ike your optimism. I hope you are right and proof everyone wrong (only cause your a fan hoping for a saviour), but as the two above said the trend for home consoles in the long run isn't looking good for Japan.