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Forums - Sales Discussion - 'PS4 Winning The War Against Xbox One' - Retailers

I'm expecting around 300k units in UK 1st week and 700k in the rest of Europe. If I expect Xbox One to have sold around 300-350k in Europe 1st week, that's around a 3:1 ratio in Europe

Just 3 days more.....

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sales2099 said:
Trunkin said:
kupomogli said:
According to some people, PS4 was only more popular because Sony fans rule the internet. Looks like that theory is gone, because clearly there's more Sony fans offline too.

You don't have to be a Sony fan to want a PS4. XBone doesn't have all that much going for it right now, and that price tag is not helping.


Forza, DR3, and KI (being free) > KZ (which you are better off getting BF4/COD for your shooter experience anyway)?

I mean sure theres more games, but these are the standouts, the games that are driving console purchases.

Most people buying the next gen consoles are getting, COD and/or BF4, both of which run better on the PS4. When you add KZ to that, XBO just isn't much of a match when it comes to shooters(which are far and away the biggest system sellers). Fighting games aren't all that big, so I can't see KI moving swaying many buyers. Then there's Ryse, but it's apparently not so great, and I don't see it moving nearly as many units(HW, or SW) as KZ. All that leaves is Forza and DR, which are probably the main draws of the system(besides multimedia functions). But I doubt they're enough. The problem is that there isn't much to warrant the extra $100 yet. This is why I expect the PS4 to have a 2.5:1 sales advantage by the end of the quarter, though that gap will probably slip quite a bit by this time next year.

Could be a good thing, Microsoft now has to take action to win back ground. Like lower the price or ad some free games in a bundle. Or pimp up teh Cloud some more. Then again, when the difference really tends out to be 5:1, MS could become insignificant in the gaming market en leave it altogether . If that is the case, gamers will have nothing to choose anymore.

If the numbers end up being out of expectations, all ms really has to do is release a kinect-less bundle for a hundred bucks less and bam, they'll pretty much have regained a ton of lost ground- there are millions of gamers who are waiting on this to happen.  
But for right now, it makes sense that the ps4 will outsell the xbox one until that happens.
It's simple economics. Lower price, more demand, more sales.


Ms just needs to understand that a ton of people just don't want the kinect.  The sooner they realize this, the sooner their sales will pick up.  

But who knows, we'll just have to wait a while until all the numbers get in.  Honestly, I think microsoft are just happy that the xbox one broke opening records held by its little brother, the x360.  

I cant wait to see sales, hopefully sonny has enough supply !

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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In my country it will be thounsands to zero, at least until the xbone arrives.
i take a look at preorders numbers today and we have 1899 in 120 stores.
I think in Portugal it will sell around 10k first weekend.

oh those yields...

Libi said:
In my country it will be thounsands to zero, at least until the xbone arrives.
i take a look at preorders numbers today and we have 1899 in 120 stores.
I think in Portugal it will sell around 10k first weekend.

I would be surprised if 10.000 Portuguese have 399 to spare, at an unemployment rate of about 18%...

game_on said:
Libi said:
In my country it will be thounsands to zero, at least until the xbone arrives.
i take a look at preorders numbers today and we have 1899 in 120 stores.
I think in Portugal it will sell around 10k first weekend.

I would be surprised if 10.000 Portuguese have 399 to spare, at an unemployment rate of about 18%...

If 18% are unemployed there are still millions of working people. And I bet hundreds of thousands portugese people are middle class and do fine for themselfs. Those will  be able to pay 399 maybe ?

I really can`t imagine that there are not a measily 10k people able and willing to buy a PS4 in all of portugal.

game_on said:
Libi said:
In my country it will be thounsands to zero, at least until the xbone arrives.
i take a look at preorders numbers today and we have 1899 in 120 stores.
I think in Portugal it will sell around 10k first weekend.

I would be surprised if 10.000 Portuguese have 399 to spare, at an unemployment rate of about 18%...

Maybe you are right, the unemployment is realy high, and for most people 399 is almost 1 month salary, but despite that i think it will sell around 10 k.