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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One Disc Drive Issues are Real

johnlucas said:

When you pay $500 plus tax for a system, you shouldn't have to THINK about glitches & bugs.

The excuse that "these are the things you have to put up with on launch consoles" is UNACCEPTABLE.
If the manufacturer can't make a quality product at $500 then what is that manufacturer in the business for?

John Lucas

But I'm assuming $350 is ok?


The percent of issues is really low on all these consoles, but don't be silly.

Around the Network
Wagram said:
Hardware problems are always going to happen at launch. Hopefully it's inline with reason.

Never like this though.... not liek this.....

JoeTheBro said:
johnlucas said:

When you pay $500 plus tax for a system, you shouldn't have to THINK about glitches & bugs.

The excuse that "these are the things you have to put up with on launch consoles" is UNACCEPTABLE.
If the manufacturer can't make a quality product at $500 then what is that manufacturer in the business for?

John Lucas

But I'm assuming $350 is ok?


The percent of issues is really low on all these consoles, but don't be silly.

Uh... you know those are people who unplugged their console while it was updating right?

WiiU didnt come broken out the box, it didnt come with faulty hard drives, faulty HDMI cables or anything of the sort.

And it was made at FoxConn.

What Now China Boy Sony?

It's a simple fact that when people have a problem they complain. When they don't you hear nothing. Defect rates will be along the norms for hardware of this type when it's new at launch - between 1 - 3%.

You are just unlucky just like those with ps4 with problems, nothing else.

JoeTheBro said:
johnlucas said:

When you pay $500 plus tax for a system, you shouldn't have to THINK about glitches & bugs.

The excuse that "these are the things you have to put up with on launch consoles" is UNACCEPTABLE.
If the manufacturer can't make a quality product at $500 then what is that manufacturer in the business for?

John Lucas

But I'm assuming $350 is ok?


The percent of issues is really low on all these consoles, but don't be silly.

No, it's not acceptable at $350 either.
Shame on Nintendo for that mess.

I know these are manmade things & human error will always factor into these designs.
But that's what testing is for to severely reduce or eliminate any malfunctions that resulted from these oversights.

It's not acceptable at $350 & it "DANG" sure ain't acceptable at $500.
We shouldn't expect launch consoles to be flawed by default.
We should expect consoles to work no matter WHEN they're produced.

I bought my Wii in December of 2006. My Wii worked fine throughout the 7th generation.
A Wii from the launch window that actually works. That's not too much to expect really.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



Around the Network
johnlucas said:
JoeTheBro said:

But I'm assuming $350 is ok?


The percent of issues is really low on all these consoles, but don't be silly.

No, it's not acceptable at $350 either.
Shame on Nintendo for that mess.

I know these are manmade things & human error will always factor into these designs.
But that's what testing is for to severely reduce or eliminate any malfunctions that resulted from these oversights.

It's not acceptable at $350 & it "DANG" sure ain't acceptable at $500.
We shouldn't expect launch consoles to be flawed by default.
We should expect consoles to work no matter WHEN they're produced.

I bought my Wii in December of 2006. My Wii worked fine throughout the 7th generation.
A Wii from the launch window that actually works. That's not too much to expect really.
John Lucas

Fair enough. Great response actually :)

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
JoeTheBro said:
johnlucas said:

When you pay $500 plus tax for a system, you shouldn't have to THINK about glitches & bugs.

The excuse that "these are the things you have to put up with on launch consoles" is UNACCEPTABLE.
If the manufacturer can't make a quality product at $500 then what is that manufacturer in the business for?

John Lucas

But I'm assuming $350 is ok?


The percent of issues is really low on all these consoles, but don't be silly.

Uh... you know those are people who unplugged their console while it was updating right?

WiiU didnt come broken out the box, it didnt come with faulty hard drives, faulty HDMI cables or anything of the sort.

And it was made at FoxConn.

What Now China Boy Sony?

Oh is that true?

Well I take back the "shame on Nintendo" comment I made in response to JoetheBro then.
That's User Error not Manufacturer Error.

In no other industry would customers accept brand new things being broken right out of the box.
Gamers shouldn't either.

I don't care if it costs $100. It should work as advertised.
At launch or any other time.

So Wii U lives up to the Nintendo Seal of Quality after all.
That's how it should be.
For everybody.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



It certainly doesnt make a fan that sounds like its slicing components when its on its side nor does it have a disc drive that will chew up your discs like a DEMON.

Nor does it require wireless internet to function.

I put a freeze on that beast

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

It certainly doesnt make a fan that sounds like its slicing components when its on its side nor does it have a disc drive that will chew up your discs like a DEMON.

Nor does it require wireless internet to function.

I put a freeze on that beast

Here's another thing about these disc drives.

I was reading reports of the grinding disc drives of the XBox One in various forums around the internet.
I saw one report on (BX).
Xbox One video emerges of system rejecting disc and making a grinding noise

One of the posters on that topic named 'persuazion' made this comment in reponse to another poster named 'MrIToldYouSo':

From - Post #30
persuazion said:

Originally posted by MrIToldYouSo

they know that disc drive is !!...thats why theres a sticker on the console that says dont move while a disc is inserted

dem failure rates gonna be high as !!


I thought it was common knowledge with all gaming systems not to move the unit while a disc is playing. I guess some people need it spelled out for them.

So "don't move console while disc is playing", huh?

THIS is the low standard we gameplayers have accepted from a product???
THIS is what we accept when we spend multiple hundreds of dollars (which most of us find hard to come by) on a product???

I can't say the full word I want to say on here so I'll just abbreviate it by saying...
THAT'S B.S.!!!

Any domestic product has to account for accidents & general human error from the user side.
Your products are supposed to be tough enough to hold up in common mishaps.

It's so easy for a console to get knocked over or knocked off a table, entertainment center, stand or whatever.
The console shouldn't go kaput at the slightest mishap.

My Wii for instance.
I took it to a relative's house & we were playing Mario Party 7 from the Gamecube on it.
We played it using my wired Gamecube controllers.
Suddenly me or somebody else yanked on the cord too hard or something & the Wii fell to the carpeted floor with the game disc in the midst of play.
Fell about 3 feet down.

NOT ONLY was the system undamaged but NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED to the game which was still in operation after I picked the Wii up off the floor.
It didn't show any sign of glitch or damage during play. It didn't show any scratched surfaces on the disc AFTER play.
It was just fine. The console was just fine. The game disc was just fine.
We resumed playing where we left off before the system dropped to the floor.

Game disc spinning in system WAS MOVED—accidentally & violently—but it all still worked without a trace of a hitch.

The fact that people accept this crap as normal is EXACTLY why I support Nintendo so strongly.
Craftsmanship Matters. And I don't want the Norm to be Bad Craftsmanship.
I don't want Overpriced Crap to be The Norm. And I fight it with every fiber in my being.

Not only does the system not work but it further adds insult to injury by damaging my game discs on top of that?!?!?!

Stop accepting junk products, gamers!!
Don't let this become The Norm!!

Quality or No Sale.
Stick to your guns.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot