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Forums - General Discussion - Michael Bay on Blu: I told you so ...

Dno said:
krik said:
CrazzyMan said:
even if it meant unemployment.
He is STUPID? LoL, i don`t think so.

Not stupid, just a douch.

I totally agree he is a douch. Lots of talk but no actions. After all the crap he said about the Paramount/HDDVD deal and Transformers not being available on Blu-ray he should have quit Paramount.

so quiting your job to put a movie on your fav format is what would of made this guy cool to you......hmmmmmmm.......

transformers will be on blu-ray soon.....HD-DVD is dead..........Mike still has a job.............all 3 things he said was gonna happen.........He seems cool to me!

 Not really, I was actually thinking he should shut up his mouth if he does not plan to do sh*t about it. Or at least being less agressive on his comments.

Also, please note that I agree with what he said. I have a PS3 since launch and would much rather see BD win than HDDVD


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


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Auron said:
ion-storm said:
Surely a script writer decides on the plot of a movie not the director?


seems like not always...

"I always write all my scripts"

Oh well, let the insults continue :)


This is coming from a big Transformers fan that loved the originals and even loved Beast Wars: I loved the Transformers movie. What you have to understand about movies, is that they never follow the comic book stories. If you want the comic book stories, READ THE BLEEPING COMICS. ;) The Transformers movie was a fun modern adaptation of the classic. Is it better than the original Transformers movie with Nimoy and Orson Welles? Nah, but get over it. It's modern summer blockbuster and it was a hoot. Now can I get an amen!?.... anybody?....

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

Haha, the guy that pussied of his "No transformers 2!!!" comment, saying it was because he was talking with a few heavy blu-ray supporters and when he had a chance to watch HD DVD he loved it?

He always knew... once they started winning.

Escherichia said:

Can someone explain to me why Blu-ray is better? What about Blu-ray makes it superior? I've seen the specs and they look like the video quality is EXACTLY THE SAME right down to the codec and the audio is comparable. So what other than the 10-20 GB (will it really be used for movies) more storage capacity and better studio support (so it's kinda like your console of choice in this regard), is so great about Blu-ray? I understand backing it if your a PS3 owner, but it seems rather pointless for anyone else to even care (Mr. Bay). Furthermore, you all do know that eventually all there will be are hybrid players, maybe not today, maybe not tommorrow, but sooner or later it will happen. Thus all this stupidity will become even more pointless.

This format war is plain dumb.

The difference is storage and the library. The storage is open to debate, the audio can be less compressed due to space. Will the average person know? No ...

The library and studio support is the real reason the format is winning.

As far as what's better about Blu Ray - nada. HD DVD offers in-movie Web content - or facts you can enable or disable. Your player can also automatically update your firmware, and you aren't locked to region codes. You can play any HD DVD from any place in the world. That alone could open HD DVD to piracy, and studios hated it. And with SONY pushing Blu Ray and pushing the PS3 as the cheapest Blu Ray player worked wonders.

Now, with just a few studios left, and Netflix, Target, Blockbuster going Blu, it's looking bad for HD DVD. However, even though I have a Blu Ray player, I'm an HD DVD supporter until they quit making them.

The benefits for HD DVD? Cheaper entry point for the same visuals, no region codes and Web content. The HD DVD format isn't half-baked like Blu Ray either. In the end, though, studio support will kill HD DVD. 

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come on now, do you really think web content is a "benefit". it's just a flashy feature. it's not really going to "benefit anybody". web content on a video player is as benficial as the blu-ray drive in the ps3 to be honest. nothing "beneficial" has come out of either of them.

If he's not full of shit, then thats an amazing call that far back saying Blu Ray was better.

halil23 said:
Good one Micjael Bay, bad one madskillz!

 And exactly why you decided to bring this old thread back? Looking for past PS3 victories?

.... wow , so this is where the OT had evolved lately ? :?

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

halil23 said:
totalwar23 said:
halil23 said:
Good one Michael Bay, bad one madskillz!

And exactly why you decided to bring this old thread back? Looking for past PS3 victories?

ummm don't you know who's madskillz is?!? he's known to be one of the biggest M$ fanboy on vgchartz beside starcraft, so anyone who praises Sony, he get very angry!!! and that just sad.

So chill total, no war!

& OMG! you got my fav!

So...why did you decide to bring back a 2 month old thread?