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Escherichia said:

Can someone explain to me why Blu-ray is better? What about Blu-ray makes it superior? I've seen the specs and they look like the video quality is EXACTLY THE SAME right down to the codec and the audio is comparable. So what other than the 10-20 GB (will it really be used for movies) more storage capacity and better studio support (so it's kinda like your console of choice in this regard), is so great about Blu-ray? I understand backing it if your a PS3 owner, but it seems rather pointless for anyone else to even care (Mr. Bay). Furthermore, you all do know that eventually all there will be are hybrid players, maybe not today, maybe not tommorrow, but sooner or later it will happen. Thus all this stupidity will become even more pointless.

This format war is plain dumb.

The difference is storage and the library. The storage is open to debate, the audio can be less compressed due to space. Will the average person know? No ...

The library and studio support is the real reason the format is winning.

As far as what's better about Blu Ray - nada. HD DVD offers in-movie Web content - or facts you can enable or disable. Your player can also automatically update your firmware, and you aren't locked to region codes. You can play any HD DVD from any place in the world. That alone could open HD DVD to piracy, and studios hated it. And with SONY pushing Blu Ray and pushing the PS3 as the cheapest Blu Ray player worked wonders.

Now, with just a few studios left, and Netflix, Target, Blockbuster going Blu, it's looking bad for HD DVD. However, even though I have a Blu Ray player, I'm an HD DVD supporter until they quit making them.

The benefits for HD DVD? Cheaper entry point for the same visuals, no region codes and Web content. The HD DVD format isn't half-baked like Blu Ray either. In the end, though, studio support will kill HD DVD.