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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Dead Rising 3 - Metacritic score of 78 on 34 critics reviews

zhao3gold said:
Jesus Christ. This tread would be about the gameplay and review of DR3. Why did it turn into some stupid arguments about the money hat and exclusive.

X1 gets DR3 and PS3 gets Deep Down. If you want to play both games, just buy both consoles. It is just less than 1000USD/EURO in total.


You mean PS4 get Deep Down.... Man just watch the preview of Deep Down... that's not really the same caliber game when compared to Dead Rising 3.

Seem like a much higher production value. That's quite the undertaking I'm surprised that game is not coming to Xbox One.


Remains to be seen how fun the game will be. It's supposed to be a cross between Elder scrolls and Dark Souls. 

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jlmurph2 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Nsanity said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Nsanity said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Are you serious? So, again, why was it kept away from Sony? A fleet of games were kept away from Sony by Microsoft between 2007-2008.

PS3's shitty architecture? 

Yes, this certainly explains why Dead Rising two was on the PS3. What a foolish response. You cannot give a proper response. Forget about me even asking you.

Ok I want to explain to you that Capcom is basically broke right now. Microsoft did not pay to keep DR3 off the PS4, they paid for DR3 to be made entirely. Why do you think Capcom said "We only need 1 next gen console to make games for"? Because they don't even have the money to make a game for both. I think they have like 150 million. Not even enough to make a GTA V.

Well Monster Hunet 4 just sold 3million copies in Japan. That should bring back some cash. Capcom need to start developing for WiiU much less competition and smaller budget to produce games. They wouldn't need a Major hit in order to turn a profit. 

Capcom runs of bad title is bad .... they should stick to monster hunter and bring back Megaman. 3ds is overdue for a good megaman game.

Man one of the big three should come in and buy Capcom .... that be huge if Capcom became Microsoft first party developer.

Wright said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

What I'd like to know is why have you kept this petty chat even though I proved why Dead Rising wasn't on Ps3.


Guess you just simply ignored what I said, huh. Were my proof too logical for the sake of your arguments?


In case you need another (even another!) proof that Dead Rising 1 "exclusivity" wasn't a moneyhat thing, Lost Planet released after Dead Rising, once Capcom had, at least, understand how to make MT Framework do its thing. Who stopped Lost Planet to be released on the Ps3 a year after? No one.


The HD twins made far more money to Capcom than the Wii. That's why Lost Planet, and all other Capcom "HD" games didn't make it to the Wii, yet they're all multiplatform. Street Fighter. Lost Planet. Dragon's Dogma. Resident Evil 5 and 6 (even 4 got an HD for both the 360 and the Ps3). The only reason they couldn't port Dead Rising to the Ps3 is because the cost was higher than the possible profit from doing so.


So now stop your stupid argument.

Most of the reasons games never got ported to the Wii was because of the fact that there was little profit incentive. Secondly, Most companies just didnt see a point in downporting so greatly and eventually learned that even with a great installed base their games just weren't what the Wii crowd was looking for. A lot of companies took a chance with the Wii and some backed off and some succeeded. The most notable games when I had the 360 before the PS3 that I remember Microsoft moneyhatting exclusivity or timed exclusivity was Dead Rising from Capcom, Condemned from Sega, Bioshock from 2k (PS3 gamers had to wait a year for that), Mass Effect was basically exclusive until EA bought Bioware. Even Valve's Gabe Newell admitted to having false preconcieved notions about Sony when the revealed Portal 2 was coming to the PS3. Politics and money talks, plains and simple.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wright said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

What I'd like to know is why have you kept this petty chat even though I proved why Dead Rising wasn't on Ps3.


Guess you just simply ignored what I said, huh. Were my proof too logical for the sake of your arguments?


In case you need another (even another!) proof that Dead Rising 1 "exclusivity" wasn't a moneyhat thing, Lost Planet released after Dead Rising, once Capcom had, at least, understand how to make MT Framework do its thing. Who stopped Lost Planet to be released on the Ps3 a year after? No one.


The HD twins made far more money to Capcom than the Wii. That's why Lost Planet, and all other Capcom "HD" games didn't make it to the Wii, yet they're all multiplatform. Street Fighter. Lost Planet. Dragon's Dogma. Resident Evil 5 and 6 (even 4 got an HD for both the 360 and the Ps3). The only reason they couldn't port Dead Rising to the Ps3 is because the cost was higher than the possible profit from doing so.


So now stop your stupid argument.

Most of the reasons games never got ported to the Wii was because of the fact that there was little profit incentive. Secondly, Most companies just didnt see a point in downporting so greatly and eventually learned that even with a great installed base their games just weren't what the Wii crowd was looking for. A lot of companies took a chance with the Wii and some backed off and some succeeded. The most notable games when I had the 360 before the PS3 that I remember Microsoft moneyhatting exclusivity or timed exclusivity was Dead Rising from Capcom, Condemned from Sega, Bioshock from 2k (PS3 gamers had to wait a year for that), Mass Effect was basically exclusive until EA bought Bioware. Even Valve's Gabe Newell admitted to having false preconcieved notions about Sony when the revealed Portal 2 was coming to the PS3. Politics and money talks, plains and simple.

Damn it S.T.A.G.E. stop posting in this thread if the game was coming to PS4 exclusively you be praising Sony for their smart business sense and screaming of joy.

Don't be that fan boy...

yvanjean said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wright said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

What I'd like to know is why have you kept this petty chat even though I proved why Dead Rising wasn't on Ps3.


Guess you just simply ignored what I said, huh. Were my proof too logical for the sake of your arguments?


In case you need another (even another!) proof that Dead Rising 1 "exclusivity" wasn't a moneyhat thing, Lost Planet released after Dead Rising, once Capcom had, at least, understand how to make MT Framework do its thing. Who stopped Lost Planet to be released on the Ps3 a year after? No one.


The HD twins made far more money to Capcom than the Wii. That's why Lost Planet, and all other Capcom "HD" games didn't make it to the Wii, yet they're all multiplatform. Street Fighter. Lost Planet. Dragon's Dogma. Resident Evil 5 and 6 (even 4 got an HD for both the 360 and the Ps3). The only reason they couldn't port Dead Rising to the Ps3 is because the cost was higher than the possible profit from doing so.


So now stop your stupid argument.

Most of the reasons games never got ported to the Wii was because of the fact that there was little profit incentive. Secondly, Most companies just didnt see a point in downporting so greatly and eventually learned that even with a great installed base their games just weren't what the Wii crowd was looking for. A lot of companies took a chance with the Wii and some backed off and some succeeded. The most notable games when I had the 360 before the PS3 that I remember Microsoft moneyhatting exclusivity or timed exclusivity was Dead Rising from Capcom, Condemned from Sega, Bioshock from 2k (PS3 gamers had to wait a year for that), Mass Effect was basically exclusive until EA bought Bioware. Even Valve's Gabe Newell admitted to having false preconcieved notions about Sony when the revealed Portal 2 was coming to the PS3. Politics and money talks, plains and simple.

Damn it S.T.A.G.E. stop posting in this thread if the game was coming to PS4 exclusively you be praising Sony for their smart business sense and screaming of joy.

Don't be that fan boy...

I predicted it would be in the 7 and 8's. The average seems fine. I'm assure I've alluded to this before in here or other pages. I was just saying I would wait for the next game to come on the PS4, thats all. 

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S.T.A.G.E. said:

I predicted it would be in the 7 and 8's. The average seems fine. I'm assure I've alluded to this before in here or other pages. I was just saying I would wait for the next game to come on the PS4, thats all. 

This game will benefit from being a fun console launch game it will strive on being available during a console launch when everyone is desperate for new next gen experience. This game will not age well and if it were to be ever ported to the PS4, PS4 owners would simply ignore it because of the much better quality softwares that will soon be release for that console.

PS4 owners want admit it but they could really use Dead Rising 3 since there launch lineup was so lackluster, it look like PS4 is in for the same drought as the WiiU experience after launch, The PS4 is getting three games in the new year Thief, Infamous and Watch dog.... the problem is that all three games are action-adventure.

Don't see a future for launch titles that fail to impress.

This applies to both KZ:SF and DR but who knows maybe I'm wrong.

As people have said already, the more likely scenario of why the 360 had more timed exclusives early on last gen is because the ps3 was moredifficult to design for early on and thus more costly to develop games for. The additional sales didnt off set the addtional cost. The ps3 didnt have very good develepment tools in the early stages and it showed with lackluster multiplats and and games not coming to the ps3. Some people sure love their conspiracy theories though, especially if those theories fit their bias, even if in reality those theories arent that logical...

S.T.A.G.E. said:

The most notable games when I had the 360 before the PS3 that I remember Microsoft moneyhatting exclusivity or timed exclusivity was Dead Rising from Capcom


If you can't deal with facts, then simply don't post. It's far easier than ignoring twice the explanation of why Dead Rising wasn't on Ps3 and then posting crap.

Ah, the first critical flop for the Xbox 1. O well.

Its in the same bracket as KZ, so the hate should be dialed down, would be kinda ironic to do so

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