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Forums - Sony Discussion - Amazon Customer Reviews for PS4 - Trolls or serious issues?

DirtyP2002 said:
WagnerPaiva said:
DirtyP2002 said:


I am not trolling. Just a short question:

Is this legit?

Sooo many DOA-Units?



Signs that you are trolling:

- You call a 99% male Forum userbase "ladies".

- Your sig picture.

- You say Amazon sold 470 units of the hottest seller 2013 item (the true sales number would be around the 100k)

1st for the fun
2nd for the fun
3rd you did not get it.

You know what? Fuck it. Who cares? anyone stupid enough to believe these rumors deserve whatever is coming to them anyways, you are right, have your fun. 

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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Dont see why Amazon allows people who didnt buy from them to leave a review, obviously trolls will take advantage, not only on this but all other products they sell too.
I would only trust the verified purchases, and its a shame some people got faulty units, but it is a small amount. Will be interesting to see how the consoles cope after intensive use in the long run.

I brought a Playstation 4 off amazon and I am having promblems with it.  I need some help.

somegamer said:

I brought a Playstation 4 off amazon and I am having promblems with it.  I need some help.

You just got unbanned and start trolling again right off the bat?

The pool of reviews is small since the people with good PS4 won't bother to post anything. They're busy having fun. With that said, it's still troubling, and I know how it is to have bad hardware at launch (the first Xbox). I guess this is expected of launch. I do hope the numbers are as small as Sony claims.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

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This is good right?

Now Ps can double-sell all those consoles and take a huge lead just like the 360 did got when double-selling all those rrod's!

I don't know if they're trolling but it hard to believe that this amount of PS4's are supposedly "DOA"

one user gave it one star because he suffered a system freeze after standing in line for 5 hours Thursday.

One says his was DoA so he is sending his back to Amazon and is now "just going to order an Xbox 1 next week"

M Cordes says "Unfortunately another DOA ! I get it. Products fail. Devices don't operate as expected. With a mass market electronic item such as this, there will always be a certain percentage of systems that do not work as intended."

That's reasonable enough.... click on his rest of his reviews... you see he has only reviewed 3 items. Can we guess what they were? You guessed it. Another Ps4 system

"Defective from the first moment ! Only pulsing blue light !

I prefer quality stuff so i will sent this back and hope i can get a xbox one next week .

And btw Killzone is a really bad shooter! "

And "Defective from the first moment ! Only pulsing blue light !

I prefer quality stuff so i will sent this back and hope i can get a xbox one next week "

So you tell me if these are trolls or not

One reviewer says Chinese make shit products and he doesn't buy things made in China (ps4)

Tin Tin and Thomas Henderson only have reviewed a Ps4. So far, (and I have only listed the reviewers I've gone through) these have been the most reliable... but I still question people with a single review. so... 2 out 6 people are questionable. 4 out of 6 are straight up trolling

Consoles this days are cheap plastic boxes (all of them). I wouldn't be amazed if they have >10% failure rates.

I know... my english sucks