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one user gave it one star because he suffered a system freeze after standing in line for 5 hours Thursday.

One says his was DoA so he is sending his back to Amazon and is now "just going to order an Xbox 1 next week"

M Cordes says "Unfortunately another DOA ! I get it. Products fail. Devices don't operate as expected. With a mass market electronic item such as this, there will always be a certain percentage of systems that do not work as intended."

That's reasonable enough.... click on his rest of his reviews... you see he has only reviewed 3 items. Can we guess what they were? You guessed it. Another Ps4 system

"Defective from the first moment ! Only pulsing blue light !

I prefer quality stuff so i will sent this back and hope i can get a xbox one next week .

And btw Killzone is a really bad shooter! "

And "Defective from the first moment ! Only pulsing blue light !

I prefer quality stuff so i will sent this back and hope i can get a xbox one next week "

So you tell me if these are trolls or not