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Forums - Sony Discussion - Assassin's Creed 4 on PS4 is 900p but Patch Will Add 1080P and AA

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RazorDragon said:
fatslob-:O said:
At 30fps for a current gen game ?! Wow next gen consoles altogether are a disappointment. -_-

Agreed. It's not like this game is pushing anything that a mid-end PC wouldn't be able to run at 60FPS, it's barely better than the current-gen versions, except in the resolution department.

How the hell is this even possible ?!

This vid above demonstrated that AC3 with the SAME engine used in AC4 was able to achieve 1080p at 30fps with some dips to 26fps. The GPU was an hd 7850 which is the exact equivalent to the PS4 should be able to do 1080p easily with couple of settings toned down but WTH ?! I also thought consoles were more optimized too. 

Around the Network
ethomaz said:

 I don't like the ideia to play games below 1080p too

Are you for cereal?

sorry no day 1 patch is acceptable to finish shit that should have been finished before release no matter what the benefit.



Why they update Ps4, but not X1?

smroadkill15 said:
Why they update Ps4, but not X1?

Since the PS4 is more powerful, its easier to make it 1080p while still maintaining 30 fps.

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smroadkill15 said:
Why they update Ps4, but not X1?

raw power

uh oh, the day one patch strikes again.

no need to get the next gen, just wait for a patch in the form of a real next gen system.

It is near the end of the end....

"gold standard" haha, no.

why not just delay it and work on it more?, how hard is it to have the PC build ported to consoles?, not hard.