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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - You are now THE President of NINTENDO, what now?

buy everything.

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With my infinte knowledge I got from my high school education I would command the company to victory. I would make the Wii U make a big comeback! A new golden era for Nintendo! I would dress in pimp clothes too.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

I'd give Kaz Harai the finger!

bundle a normal controller with every unit and ditch the gamepad as an extra, the gimmick hasnt worked imo

kids have tablets that are more responsive than that, its not too late to do a 180

wiiU relaunched with a controlpad at a cheap price that no one can content with

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

1. Use cash and buy a new car
2. Help Sony and MS to destroy themselves
3. Destroy gaming
4. Laugh at gaming crash
5. Launch NES, again
6. Repeat full cycle at their 7 homeconsole

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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First I'd hire a new marketing team. I'd put commercials for casual titles all over their appropriate channels. Wii Fit U on Oxygen. COD on FX. Mario on Nick. Etc.

I'd up the Youtube ads by 1000%.

I'd start paying 3rd party publishers to advertise the Wii U in there commercials. In other words, COD commercials with Wii Remote and Gamepad gameplay.

I'd get EA's support back. Madden adds with Gamepad gameplay at the Super Bowl.

I'd partner up with something influential, much in the same way Microsoft is partnering up with the NHL, Mountain Dew, and Doridos for the XBO. Perhaps McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Disney.

I'd make Super Mario paintball a thing. Online multiplayer, Wii Remote support and all. More of a party game than a shooter.

I'd require 3rd party to put Wii Remote support on every shooter they put on the Wii U.

I'd get more JRPG's on the Wii U, because that's up in the air right now. X is good but not enough quantity wise.

I'd get KH3 and FF15 on the Wii U.

I'd open up two new western studios. Retro would complete the western trifecta.

I'd open up an HD remake studio for game's like Metroid Prime HD, Xenoblade Chronicles HD, etc.

I'd get work started on a first party WRPG much in the likeness of games like The Witcher.

I'd get work started on an online shooter set in the Metroid universe with similar ambitions to games like Destiny and the Division but with similar quirk with games like Vanquish and (quite obviously) Metroid.

I'd make Project CARS a Wii U exclusive and give it monetary and advertisery backing.

I'd make a Pokémon open world action RPG with online co-op and put it on the Wii U. Not developed by Gamefreak. Then I'd put an App on the 3DS that let you take a party of 6 with you from the Wii U game on the go for trade and battle. (Or I'd just put the game on both platforms ala Monster Hunter and Super Smash Bros.)

I'd finally put Miiverse on the 3DS and make Youtube playable.

I'd make a 3DS with a second circle pad.

I'd make a bundle this holiday with the Wii U and Super Mario 3D World and the Wii Fit U Pedometer.

I'd get Iwata to stop apologizing for everything.

I'd get someone to make Nintendo a game to change gaming the way that Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong Country, Golden Eye, Final Fantasy 7, Pokemon Red/Blue, Gears of War, and Wii Sports did.

I'd make the next Zelda game have Zelda travel with you similar to Bioshock: Infinite and The Last of Us, only the entire game can be play in co-op where one player plays as Zelda on the gamepad while the other play as Link on the TV. She uses mostly magic and the bow while Link uses sword and shield. And I'd make the motion controls optional. Very optional.

Oh, and then I'd wake up.

Maybe i would have tried to make avgn endorse the system

How did gears of war change gaming?

aikohualda said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Horror games, a LOT of them, all for WiiU, like dozens of them

i still want to use the game pad as the camera obscura in fatal frame :O

now we´re talking! make it happen Nintendo!

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

I would launch a *holds hands towards camera* Nintendo Direct!

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

I would never get ea, they are not trustworthy. Yes it hurts sales, but at the end the snake will bite, i will ask why and ea will say its my nature, why did you trust me?