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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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brendude13 said:
Hey guys.

Who was it that was adding the Nintendo seal of approval to avatars?

Jizz has done all of the requests, as far as I know but I could help as well if people want their own seal of approval.

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Guess I was a little late, disreguard this post.

Well I never even knew this seal of quality was a thing. Such a plot twist!

Still good job


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

KingKazuma34 said:
So guys I finally did it, I bought I Wii U today! I can finally join the club woooo:D Surprisingly I picked up the Wind Waker bundle, I say surprisingly because this came out in like November in limited quantities (I think) but I also got Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate with it too. I pre ordered Mario Kart 8 for this Friday too! I didn't really want the Mario Kart Wii U bundle because the design of the gamepad on the Zelda bundle is so good looking. But I look forward to playing with you all!!!!

Welcome to the club....


Shadow1980 said:
I'd like to join the MK8 tournament, but I don't know if I'll be able to. I may have friends over playing it instead, plus we're supposed to go see X-men sometime this weekend and it may be Friday night.

Welcome to the club! Hopefully you can join us on Sunday


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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spurgeonryan said:
Holy hell! 4 MK8 commercials on nikelodeon in less than an hour. Anyone see all these? There are more than one too! Playing all over cable.
Walmart has demos now, gamestop, etc. Heavily promoted!

Should I seal of quality this avatar or find another for E3 first?

Given how many thread you do attacking criticizing Nintendo, you should use this avatar with the seal half teared by the chainsaw.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

I've got an early start on the day, so...


Today in Nintendo History:

The Game & Watch title Oil Panic was released! (1982)

Oil Panic was one of Nintendo's "Game & Watch" portable games. Known today mostly as the "series" Mr. Game & Watch from Smash Bros is from, these portable games, originally conceived by Gunpei Yokoi, were the predecessor of the Game Boy. They used an LCD display similar to a calculator's, and were Nintendo's first truly popular hardware. The original Nintendo million-seller was not Donkey Kong, but rather 1980's Vermin, the third game in the G&W family.

By May 1982, over 15 Game & Watch titles had been released, including many of the games where Smash Bros's Mr G&W gets his moveset from. However, there was sothing special about 1982's Oil Panic.

It might not strike you as immediately obvious, but there's a second screen on this device! Even personal computers wouldn't begin to incporporate the use of multiple screens for years to come. Heck, Windows didn't support multiple monitors until 1998!

A number of future Game & Watch titles would include two screens in some form, including Donkey Kong, Mickey & Donald, Mario Bros, Pinball, Black Jack, and Zelda. A couple of these titles even went in a different direction, featuring two screens side-by-side as opposed to arranged vertically. However, the basic design introduced by Oil Panic remained the norm for multi-screen games. And two decades later, when designing the sucessor the the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo blatantly ripped off the basic design of Oil Panic's hardware.

In addition to being an influential piece of hardware, Oil Panic remains relevan today as a piece of software, mostly via the Super Smash Bros series. Mr. Game & Watch's Down-B move is named Oil Panic, in which he absorbs enemy energy attacks, stores them in his bucket, and eventually releases Oil upon foes. Since the move's strength increases in power by a multiple of nemy projectile power, this means Oil Panic is arguably G&W's ultimate attack. It could deal as much as 200% damage in Melee and 62% in Brawl.

Parts of the game Oil Panic also appear as part of Flat Zone 2 in Brawl.

spurgeonryan said:
Great idea! one thread where I attack or criticize Nintendo. I challenge you!^

Anyone already get their free download?

This one is from today:

  • Instead of a price cut, Nintendo raises the Wii U price. "Smart or crazy"?


  • Nintendo Among The Worst Performers In The Slavery Index

You should know by now that Nintendo is always in those lists because they don't let them get into their buildings nor give them info of what they do.

  • I do not think Mario Kart 8 is going to boost sales much

  • Why the New ‘Legend of Zelda’ for Wii U Can't Save Nintendo- Lol?.....



While you don't always share that negative view, you post them here and therefore are "guilty" of expanding that thinking.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

episteme said:

Bayonetta 1 got the same 15+ rating, but they didn't classify the strength of sex.

Btw I found the ESRB rating of Bayonetta 1, the wording is funny:

"During the course of the game, some female characters perform suggestive taunts and poses, including opening their legs or gyrating their hips. Some of the more provocative outfits are shed during battle, resulting in brief depictions of buttocks and breasts. The camera occasionally pans close-up on breasts as they are jiggling."

Heh heh All Right!

So how's the wording for Bayonetta 2?


spurgeonryan said:
Jiggling breasts in a Nintendo game?


Wasn't there some nudity in GC games?

It's the Bayonetta 1 rating, Bayonetta 2 has no ESRB rating yet.

Geist on GC had some nudity, it's the last exclusive m-rated game published by Nintendo.


My favourite eShop-only games:

1. Child of Light

2. Trine 2

3. NES REMIX 1&2 (ok, there's a physical version in Japan)