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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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think-man said:
Ponyless said:
Advance Wars for the 3DS :/ been too long since the last one...

Seen a DS one for cheap at EB, is it any good? Was thinking of picking it up.

It's a great turn based strategy game.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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Conegamer said:
Eternal Darkness, eh? Good suggestion! Never completed the first game, but what I did was most enjoyable and new. It was an experience, that's for sure!
Whatever happened to that reboot on Kickstarter anyway?

Officially on hold.
They started off with their own crowdfunding, added Kickstarter halfway through, that failed so they relaunched the kickstarted a few weeks later and that failed even harder. There was also an alleged pedophilia scandal involving one of the developers but I don't know the details of this and not inclined to pursue them.

Not surprising really; I would be excited about a new Eternal Darkness, but what they showed was nothing but pretty visuals and promises. I'd like a more official release published by Nintendo.

I'd like Metroid to be revised, but I don't want to see Prime again just yet. I love how they handle franchises like Mario and Zelda, it would be a shame if they get stuck in making sequels for Metroid when there are so many directions the series can still go in.

think-man said:
Ponyless said:
Advance Wars for the 3DS :/ been too long since the last one...

Seen a DS one for cheap at EB, is it any good? Was thinking of picking it up.

I guess the one you've seen was Dark Conflict/Days Of Ruin (name depends on region), as that seems to be cheaper than Dual Strike. For a reason, though: Dark Conflict is basically a "western" Advance Wars, it's rather dark for the series and gameplay struck me as somewhat worse than Dual Strike. I'd say it's the worst game in the Advance Wars series. It's still not a bad game and worth a try though, but you shouldn't really judge the series based on your experiences with Dark Conflict.

If it was Dual Strike, however, go get it right now.

Nintendo Network ID: domflo

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domflo said:
think-man said:
Ponyless said:
Advance Wars for the 3DS :/ been too long since the last one...

Seen a DS one for cheap at EB, is it any good? Was thinking of picking it up.

I guess the one you've seen was Dark Conflict/Days Of Ruin (name depends on region), as that seems to be cheaper than Dual Strike. For a reason, though: Dark Conflict is basically a "western" Advance Wars, it's rather dark for the series and gameplay struck me as somewhat worse than Dual Strike. I'd say it's the worst game in the Advance Wars series. It's still not a bad game and worth a try though, but you shouldn't really judge the series based on your experiences with Dark Conflict.

If it was Dual Strike, however, go get it right now.

What was wrong with Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict? I'd say it had the most balanced gameplay of the series, as CO Powers didn't dictate entire battles.

I would love to see a new Eternal Darkness game, although a new 1080 game would be awesome as well. I have to say though the next franchise that needs a sequel is Endless Ocean, although I'm not sure it's concidered dead already.

Also, that other thread is a joke.

Around the Network
think-man said:
Ponyless said:
Advance Wars for the 3DS :/ been too long since the last one...

Seen a DS one for cheap at EB, is it any good? Was thinking of picking it up.

If you ever played Fire Emblem, that's a good idea of it, only your units are a bit more expendable. Was it Dual Strike or Days of Ruin?

IsawYoshi said:
I would love to see a new Eternal Darkness game, although a new 1080 game would be awesome as well. I have to say though the next franchise that needs a sequel is Endless Ocean, although I'm not sure it's concidered dead already.

Also, that other thread is a joke.

So far this gen, their "casual" efforts haven't been too succesful, not even on the 3DS, so I'd imagine they're gonna start cutting back on development for those types of games, meaning we may not see another Endless Ocean unfortunately... for some!
Also wasn't Eternal Darkness made by Rare? Or was that Perfect Dark? I'm pretty sure they made some sort of "Dark" game! xD

Einsam_Delphin said:
IsawYoshi said:
I would love to see a new Eternal Darkness game, although a new 1080 game would be awesome as well. I have to say though the next franchise that needs a sequel is Endless Ocean, although I'm not sure it's concidered dead already.

Also, that other thread is a joke.

So far this gen, their "casual" efforts haven't been too succesful, not even on the 3DS, so I'd imagine they're gonna start cutting back on development for those types of games, meaning we may not see another Endless Ocean unfortunately... for some!
Also wasn't Eternal Darkness made by Rare? Or was that Perfect Dark? I'm pretty sure they made some sort of "Dark" game! xD

Rare did Perfect Dark, Silicon Knights did Eternal Darkness, though I think Nintendo holds the patent to the Sanity Meter.

Dammit Nintendo! All I Wanna do is buy more of your shit on the eShop! GIMME MORE VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAMES!

Seriously. No reason we don't have shit like Mario RPG and the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy on WiiU. What about Link to the Past? What about Megaman X2 and X3? What about Chrono Trigger? What about Tales of Phantasia? They made the fans suuuuuper happy with Earthbound, now follow up that trend! DO IT!

And dammit, release Mario bros 3. I Wanna do a "Retro-spective" of Mario, The Lost Levels, 2, and 3!

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I was gonna make a thread about it but I realize it wasn't worth it.

To Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate there a lot of people playing online? I love MH but without the online is simple not the same. I hope there are a lot of hunters online to play with.

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