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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance : Fall of Man only used 10% of the PS3's Power

Retrasado said:
d21lewis said:
The PS3 will use 100% of it's power in 2010. At that exact moment, it will send former California governer Arnold Schwarzenegger back in time to kill Sara Conner. Believe me. You DON'T want your PS3 running at more than 30% of it's full potential.


Anyway, I've got agree that doesn't tell you much even if it IS true, but in case you all missed it, he said they were using 10% of the SPU's capabilities, not the whole PS3. Since the context of the statement was to demonstrate what devs can do with the Cell's SPUs if they take the time to work with them, I think he was merely trying to say that there is a lot of potential to use the SPUs as kind of a preprocessor/secondary physics card. If that's what he meant, it is very possible that he was at least close to the percentage of the SPU's capabilities were utilized in RFOM.


Yea this thread is going a little crazy. I wont talk in terms of percentage, but I would expect that they would be able to develop their game better than they could before and they can improve on their programming abilities.

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See, the problem is this; my PC has a lot more potential than it will ever use up due to optimalization, coding, bandwidth and bus limits, spin times and downright programming. If I put my PC components to a theoretical number crunching test, the numbers would be simply staggering, but those numbers are not what I'll be getting out of my PC at any one time.
Under optimal conditions, all chips can perform extraordinarily, but conditions are never optimal in a full housing of components matched by proxy and tuned to work systematically and soundly first and foremost.

Take this for example; my Volvo's rear axle can stand to be pressed down by 10 metric tons without a sweat, whereas my Volvo as a whole, can't.
The limit in a hardware setup's power is not in the most powerful part and its optimal and utmost performance, but rather the linkages between the chips and the very limited transistor technology that really doesn't handle heat very well.
My femur can take over 280 kg's of weight on it before snapping, even without any tissue on it, but my body can't support 560 kg's without my legs buckling. Another theoretical example, and just as valid.

The 10% figure seems about right from what we have seen from games and from what we have heard from other developers. The guy who said his game used 2% of the PS3 power could be right, considering his game looks and runs alot worse then RFoM which is using 10%. While the figure for uncharted is 30% from what i heard and it looks alot better then RFoM. Then we have Killzone2 which looks alot better then uncharted.

If we look back to first year PS2 games they look alot worse then the final year of PS2 games. A first year PS2 title looked at about 10% to 30% of the final PS2 games we saw in late 06 and 07. So from the evidence we have so far the figures they say fall inline with what happened on the PS2.

So this thread wasn't a joke?


Of COURSE future PS3 games will look better.

But the problem with this...10% information is uber-PS3 fanboys are going to say future games will look 90% better than Resistance...whatever that means.

There are limitations, and even if the SPU got used nearly 100%, what the heck does that mean? How much better would a game actually look? You don't know, I don't know, so this information is practically worthless...other than the PS3 is either bottlenecked or future games will look better.

I say a little of both...future games always look better as developers learn how to use the system better...but there's a limit, and games are not going to suddenly look "90%" better. It's like when games are in pre-alpha stages like Killzone 2, and they MAKE SURE to let you know that, so then fanboys go crazy because the game is going to RADICALLY change in alpha, beta, and final stages. It'll change, it'll look better, but there's only so much improvements you can make.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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Badonkadonkhr said:

I'm pretty sure this wasn't posted , but yeah.

Original Resistance used just 10% of PS3's power

The potential of the PlayStation 3 continues to be huge, after it was revealed that launch title Resistance: Fall of Man used just 10% of the console's power.

Touted for its incredible visuals, Resistance used only around 10% to 20% of the PS3's SPU. Details were revealed in official documents released by developer Insomniac Games detailing the development process behind Fall of Man.

Unlike certain other companies, Insomniac regularly discuss SPU utilisation, and in the past they have revealed that the process will see major benefits for years to come.

Insomniac's Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings told, "The tech and gameplay teams have moved tons of things over to the SPUs that used to run on the PPU. Collision and physics are entirely running on SPUs now, which allows us to put much more on the screen at once than we were able to with Resistance. Moving more and more code to the SPUs is an ongoing process and I think we'll continue to see major benefits from this for several more years."

This news is sure to whet the appetite of gamers already relishing the game's sequel, Resistance 2, which is due to be released in September.

It also bodes well for future games across the board, with many developers yet to tap in to the full power and resources offered by the powerful PS3.

 only 10% WOW that's amazing

Those really interested in the PS3's potential, problems with legacy game engines or 360 porting, oppertunities and comparison misconceptions. Click the link within my signature.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

You people do realise that the article says that the resistance code used 10-20% of the SPU not when resistance was running SPU usage was 10-20%. Just resistance was using 10-20% of the SPU that means the background tasks that the SPU is also doing would push usage up to around 30-40% and thanks to bottlenecking and things like ram and cache will make sure that the SPU will never be fully utilized Evin if some programmer makes a game engine that could utilize all the SPU without reaching the limits of the ram and GPU it would probibly look and play like crap with a loading screen every 5mins.

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Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

so, will there ever be a game where the dev says "oh we pushed the PS3 to it's peak ".

Bah, I think all of these are a bunch of crap.

I would like to think the system could pull 60 fps on an average FPS...