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See, the problem is this; my PC has a lot more potential than it will ever use up due to optimalization, coding, bandwidth and bus limits, spin times and downright programming. If I put my PC components to a theoretical number crunching test, the numbers would be simply staggering, but those numbers are not what I'll be getting out of my PC at any one time.
Under optimal conditions, all chips can perform extraordinarily, but conditions are never optimal in a full housing of components matched by proxy and tuned to work systematically and soundly first and foremost.

Take this for example; my Volvo's rear axle can stand to be pressed down by 10 metric tons without a sweat, whereas my Volvo as a whole, can't.
The limit in a hardware setup's power is not in the most powerful part and its optimal and utmost performance, but rather the linkages between the chips and the very limited transistor technology that really doesn't handle heat very well.
My femur can take over 280 kg's of weight on it before snapping, even without any tissue on it, but my body can't support 560 kg's without my legs buckling. Another theoretical example, and just as valid.