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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wal-Mart to cover up M-rated games

Well, I don't like this measure Walmart is taking to "protect" the kids, however I see a bit of logic in their actions. Currently (at least the Walmarts I've been in) won't sell a M rated game to a kid under 17, however parents buy it for them all the time; and I believe Walmart is assuming that most of these parents have no idea that the game is M or maybe that they are uneducated enough to understand the reasons for the rating system (walmart shopper stereotype); therefore putting the cover will alarm the parents and stop them from buying such games for their kids.

It will be like: "little Jimmy wants Grand Theft Auto IV, oh! but it has a cover just like the porn mag, I am not buying it, it must be awful!".

It is logical, however is stupid in that it interferes with a parents right to be a bad parent or interfere in a parents own judgment and replaces it with the corporation's judgment.

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"

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Coglestop said:
cleveland124 said:
d21lewis said:
Wal-Mart sells guns, ammo, alcohol, condoms, dead gold fish, King Magazine, and R-rated movies (thank you Wal-Mart!). So why are video game covers such a big deal?

Because out of that list only video games are marketed towards kids.

 Last I checked, Wal~Mart sells a PINK rifle.  WHO exactly is a pink rifle being marketed to?  Most women into hunting would buy a neutral or camo colored one so it would almost have to be little girls. 

Are you making fun of my pink rifle?  Lol.  There may be some exceptions as the pink rifle, but games are almost exclusively marketed towards teenage boys.  That's why the Wii is selling so well because it is breaking this mold. 

 Seriously though, a pink rifle was made not to sell.  And reminds me of the way developers treated the gamecube and now the wii.  Let's make a "mature" game for the wii and include a pink rifle.  What, no games sold?  Wii is not hardcore, time to make Metal Gear Solid for the PS3!

twesterm said:


You do know it's a good thing the more we do to keep M-Rated games out of kids hands without their parents consent. 

Maybe if more parents stopped giving their kids cash to buy games this wouldn't be such a problem.

lol ... this is so stupid . I wonder when will they cover SMG ? :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

ok thats a weird idea

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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i want to see the most offensive game cover somone can find. i can remember any cover being anywhere near worthy of a black sleeve...

Soriku said:
Hello? IT'S A HOAX!

 well at least I saw you say that.

It wouldn't surprise me though. Walmart is the store that wont sell cds with "explicit lyrics" labels. Oh no, the kids might hear the F word. Its not like they wouldnt use it on a regular basis anyways right? 

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

if only walmart were actually this responsible.

the Wii is an epidemic.


*takes soapbox. leaves*

I cannot believe so many people bought this one.

It's an Onion-wannabe site. (Current top story -- Mortgage Rates Dip for Homeless).

Mike from Morgantown

{PS -- And even though I thought it was BS, I did not check the rest of the site either} 



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