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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which final fantasy has the BEST story?


Which Generation of final fantasy is your fave?

Old School (FF1-FF6) 79 30.04%
Golden Age (FF7-FF12) 173 65.78%
Moden Era (FF13-??) 10 3.80%
pokoko said:
Final Fantasy Tactics. The story was fantastic. It was A Game of Thrones in sprite form. I'm not kidding about that. War, murder, social injustice, betrayal, revenge, regicide, patricide, power struggles between church and state, and the skewed perspective of history were all themes. It was mature in every sense of the word.

As for the numbered entries, Final Fantasy VI was by far the best designed and constructed. It didn't simply have one story, but several compelling stories and themes that came together, split apart to develop separately, then came together once more in the second half. It was really a brilliantly told tale of many converging paths. It also had some of the best character development in video-game history.

Why do some people have mixed feelings about Final Fantasy VII? Personally, I think, even though I liked the game a lot, that it marked the beginning of the 'style over substance' era of Final Fantasy. Cut-scenes, an emphasis on graphics, giant swords, and "cool" looking main characters started here. Also, it seems to have started the love affair the Japanese have with stories that make little sense and are littered with plot-holes and a willful disregard for logic. I will always think of it as a step down from the true depth of FF VI.

Tactics was awesome the story was really well told for the most part but it does get a little convaluted in the end

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The Fury said:
aikohualda said:

No thatvwasnt my call... square enix named it like that..

Really? So the modern era is 1 game?

I mean what else is there?


14 and 13-2...


i think their cycle of generation is 6 games... so you expect 13-18.....





aikohualda said:
The Fury said:

Really? So the modern era is 1 game?

I mean what else is there?

14 and 13-2...

i think their cycle of generation is 6 games... so you expect 13-18.....


I'll admit, my reply was somewhat tongue in cheek/sarcastic.

A sequal to  one of the most poorly recieved FF titles and another MMO. As far as I am concerned, we've had 1 main non-MMO FF title. If you count FFXII-2, you  might as well count Crystal Chronicles.

Hmm, pie.

To me the best story is 10, followed closely by 6 and 7. My favourite game is 7 but I LOVE all of them really. I dont dislike a single one, not even 2. 2 and 5 are pretty underrated if you ask me.

I really loved the world building and the character development in 10. Final Fantasy 6 has the deepest story but I think Final Fantasy 7 has the more intriguing and mysterious story.

"It takes nothing but a single pint of milk to ruin the pure, black magic of the coffee."
"Darker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself...that is coffee."

kupomogli said:
Kasz216 said:
pokoko said:

I'm curious, have you played the games that Final Fantasy was the spirtual successor to?


For me, Final Fantasy Tactics story never really won me over because it was more or less just trying to convert over the Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle world in Final Fantasy form.

To me, it never matched the storytelling power that was found in Tactics Ogre: LUCT.

I wouldn't say Final Fantasy Tactics is Ogre Battle in Final Fantasy form, because there's really nothing to say what Final Fantasy actually is.  It's just with Yasumi Matsuno doing the writing, he decided to push the story of a nation in conflict like many of his games.  It's not the first Final Fantasy to have that style of story though.  Final Fantasy 2 and 6 have the same basic premise in story telling, exccept both games have the empire as the dominant force against everyone else where as Final Fantasy Tactics has two main forces against each other while you and others are against them and each other.


Every Final Fantasy has an enemy who has control over a single opposing force, but the two above are the ones that are more like Final Fantasy Tactics than the others and also came out prior to Final Fantasy Tactics.

i'd say it's similarties lie far more then just in that it involves nations however.


The Church of Glabados is way too similar to the Holy Lodis order for example.

Or the Zodiac Stones.   The Saint Ajora version of the story, is basically exactly the same as the Ogre Battle version.

They both thought their was 12, but there was actually 13.

The villians goal in FFT is to ressurect Ultima so they can come and go as they please from the underworld and take over the world.  Ultima gets ressurected but if defeated before she unleashes her true power.

The villians goal in Ogre Battle is to ressurect Diablo (or in other games, various others) who will all the gate to the underworld to be open.  Allowing the ogres to come and go as they please and take over the world.  They zenobian heroes have to beat Diablo before he awakens his full power.

The only real difference is that the gem they are assosiated with is changed.


Argus and Delita mostly just seem like Lawful and Chaos Vice.  Split to get rid of the complaints most people had about vice, who couldn't realize that basically Vice was operating his self identity from what he wasn't, and not from what he was... which is fairly common place in politics.


The story of FF Tactics mostly seems like a reworking of one of the many untold Ogre Batle episodes.


The Zodiac Braves and Ajora/ultima, are no doubt just the Zodiac Disciples and Diablo.  I could go on and on with the paralels between specific character themes and in general some characters who legitalimly may be crossovers given different endings... but I think i've already made a fairly decent point as far as it just being "Similar storytelling".

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Also guys... keep in mind though it isn't titled such.

Vagrant Story is totally a Final Fantasy game.

ethomaz said:

aikohualda said:

how come a lot of people say 7 is over rated???

Anybody that FFVII was not the intro in the series says it is overated... it is a AMAZING game BTW... not the best FF.

I partially agree with you. Except for the second, part. FFVII isn't and never was amazng.

ethomaz said:

FFVI voice acting was the best I ever saw in 16-bits era.

Suck AMAZING feat... even without read I can understand the song

BTW FFVI have the best FF sound track ever created Uematsu max creation.

Its hard to argue with that iconic moment xD

Edit: I just realize the modern day era would have looked better IF THEY LOCALIZED TYPE-0!

Final Fantasy X IMO.

How did I know that most folks were gonna vote for the so-called "Golden Age" in that poll? Makes sense I guess, considering that's probably the era that most voters in here "grew up with".

I dunno....I think there's a pretty strong argument to be made against the PS1/PS2 era being the "Golden Age". I think that belongs to the SNES era (FFIV-VI) to be honest.

And as for the thread title, best story would be a tossup between FFIV and FFVI. The story to FFVI was a bit more fleshed out I suppose, but I'm always going to have a soft spot for FFIV. Everything about that game was perfect, graphics, music, gameplay, characters, story, you name it.