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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan Sales - Media Create,Famitsu, & dengeki: week 41 ( Oct. 7 - Oct 13 )

kowenicki said:

Then you are mistaken.

I'm not saying Kresnik cant add up but if he displayed that then I'd tell him.  Am I suposed to be afraid of him because he is a mod or something? lol.

Kresnik thought 20k was a reasonable amount for the first week sales of the new Vita.... thats very odd and very pessimisitc imo, given that the drop off of sales alone of people waiting for the new console would be more than that.  I cant explain why he would predict that, perhaps he means the new floor level will be 20k?  I duno.... but I dont need to, its none of my concern and I wonder why you even dragged him into our discussion other than to intimidate somehow (that aint going to work) or to massively deflect (that wont either).

I'm done wth you and your inability to see that white is white.

Bye now.  Cue half baked response based on flawed logic or thinly diguised personal attack.


Pezus cant add. Tsk tsk

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Nice second wind on the Vita. Seems to be picking up now.

Wii U though is in dire trouble in Japan. Though we will only have a clear image once the PS4 releases.

There were really some very uninformed predictions. To be honest PSV this week sold exactly what I anticipated in fact I even was spot on with 60k units and thought that some ridiculously low estimates were made by uninformed people and people lowballing on purpose.

PSV2000 launched with 6 different colors and 14 games (4 of them new)

We have seen time and time again that even something as little as a new color pushes handheld sales and PSV has been no exception so far, in this case we even had 6 at the same time and on top of that even a revision.

So I couldn´t take anyone seriously that expected this weeks PSV numbers to be lower than what the complete bomb PSPgo did in its first week.

WiiU has so much potential:

Viktor said:

There were really some very uninformed predictions. To be honest PSV this week sold exactly what I anticipated in fact I even was spot on with 60k units and thought that some ridiculously low estimates were made by uninformed people and people lowballing on purpose.

PSV2000 launched with 6 different colors and 14 games (4 of them new)

We have seen time and time again that even something as little as a new color pushes handheld sales and PSV has been no exception so far, in this case we even had 6 at the same time and on top of that even a revision.

So I couldn´t take anyone seriously that expected this weeks PSV numbers to be lower than the complete bomb the PSPgo first week.

Tell me oh wise one, what information you had to project a 1600% increase for the psv?

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Max King of the Wild said:
Viktor said:

There were really some very uninformed predictions. To be honest PSV this week sold exactly what I anticipated in fact I even was spot on with 60k units and thought that some ridiculously low estimates were made by uninformed people and people lowballing on purpose.

PSV2000 launched with 6 different colors and 14 games (4 of them new)

We have seen time and time again that even something as little as a new color pushes handheld sales and PSV has been no exception so far, in this case we even had 6 at the same time and on top of that even a revision.

So I couldn´t take anyone seriously that expected this weeks PSV numbers to be lower than the complete bomb the PSPgo first week.

Tell me oh wise one, what information you had to project a 1600% increase for the psv?

If you look at the actual units sold it isn´t actually that ambigous as you want to make it out to be with your relative percentage comparison. In fact we are talking about 60k units in total (including PSV1000 sales). Only Nintendo or Sony handheld revision that sold worse than that was PSPgo.

Viktor said:

If you look at the actual units sold it isn´t actually that ambigous as you want to make it out to be with your relative percentage comparison. In fact we are talking about 60k units in total (including PSV1000 sales). Only Nintendo or Sony handheld revision that sold worse than that was PSPgo.

Those other revisions were also generally more wanted than the PSV before. You couldn't have possibly based your prediction off of any previous trends because no other console has been so low before a revision and no other console recieved a 1600% increase after a revision.

Saw this on gaf and nearly died laughing lol hopefully those Wii U bundles bring it's sale up to decent numbers.

Also great numbers for Vita! I actually gave out a quick laugh when I saw it hit 60k since so many people hought it couldn't even hit 30k. Can't wait to see what Vita can do when Gods Eater 2 releases with that bundle.

PSN: extremeM

PlayStation Vita Japanese Software Sales (Media Create Physical/ Famitsu Digital)

Nintendo-Europe said:
Sony announced Playstation Vita 2000 as replacement of the first model, isn't it ? The question is : do people buy a majority of Playstation Vita 2000 or do they buy the ancient model in fear not finding it anymore ?

Nintendo-Europe said:
Nintendo-Europe said:
Sony announced Playstation Vita 2000 as replacement of the first model, isn't it ? The question is : do people buy a majority of Playstation Vita 2000 or do they buy the ancient model in fear not finding it anymore ?

afaik the old model will still be produced

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse