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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft fans we can keep the threads clean ourselves.

eFKac said:
Exactly! Keep it clean yourselfs, don't enter Sony threads and derail them! I totally support!

Sounds boring as fuck

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selnor1983 said:

Hey Cmon Kowen. If we just get on with our love of the game, we can do this. All we have to do is ignore and hit report. Thats it. All of us together.

Doubt that you'd get all five of you to agree.

Sounds good, but mods really need to be more pro active. People that are here simply to cause trouble need to be dealt with.


aye could use a mod specifically for the microsoft forum:D

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby007 said:
aye could use a mod specifically for the microsoft forum:D

Make that all forums while you are at it.  Though we would porobably be left with 8 posters if we did so....

Around the Network
Porcupine_I said:

Reported for insulting yourself

Fun fact, I have a mod note in my history for just that reason.

Dr.Grass said:

Oh you are!? I was just saying what you sound like to me. 

That paragraph does absolutely nothing to convince me that it wouldn't just be better for mods to just relax a little on all the banning. But if that was ever a possibility, then the whining and pro-banning campaign that's reared its head now has firmly quashed it again into nothingness.

Of course. Us dipshits always get together to get those pesky trouble causers banned!

Mods dont need to relax on the bans. Not at all. If you break the rules, you get banned. If you dont like getting banned, dont break the rules. Its not exactly difficult. I used to get banned every other Month, yet currently Im ban-free for over 2 Years. Look at your own behaviour and maybe you wont find yourself on the wrong end of a ban hammer.

PlaystaionGamer said:

You need to stop fucking belittling me in comments, Your problem is you 'THINK' your smart. 


This is hilarious.

kow - This wont work
PSGamer - Why do you care, youre part of the problem
kow - I dont support this, you dont understand my comment. I dont like free pass trolling
PSGamer - The mods have messaged me about you and your trouble causing in Sony threads

Seriously. This is a part of the problem. When users enter a thread with an agenda of pissing someone else off. You have added nothing to the thread, all you have done is niggle at kow. Its un-needed and its causing confrontation. Seriously. All you have done here is trash talk kow, and thats exactly what we dont need in any of the forums here at GamrConnect.


Carl2291 said:
Porcupine_I said:

Reported for insulting yourself

Fun fact, I have a mod note in my history for just that reason.

i'm tempted to quote the classic, but i may have done that one too many times

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

Carl2291 said:
Porcupine_I said:

Reported for insulting yourself

Fun fact, I have a mod note in my history for just that reason.

Dr.Grass said:

Oh you are!? I was just saying what you sound like to me. 

That paragraph does absolutely nothing to convince me that it wouldn't just be better for mods to just relax a little on all the banning. But if that was ever a possibility, then the whining and pro-banning campaign that's reared its head now has firmly quashed it again into nothingness.

Of course. Us dipshits always get together to get those pesky trouble causers banned!

Mods dont need to relax on the bans. Not at all. If you break the rules, you get banned. If you dont like getting banned, dont break the rules. Its not exactly difficult. I used to get banned every other Month, yet currently Im ban-free for over 2 Years. Look at your own behaviour and maybe you wont find yourself on the wrong end of a ban hammer.

PlaystaionGamer said:

You need to stop fucking belittling me in comments, Your problem is you 'THINK' your smart. 


This is hilarious.

kow - This wont work
PSGamer - Why do you care, youre part of the problem
kow - I dont support this, you dont understand my comment. I dont like free pass trolling
PSGamer - The mods have messaged me about you and your trouble causing in Sony threads

Seriously. This is a part of the problem. When users enter a thread with an agenda of pissing someone else off. You have added nothing to the thread, all you have done is niggle at kow. Its un-needed and its causing confrontation. Seriously. All you have done here is trash talk kow, and thats exactly what we dont need in any of the forums here at GamrConnect.

I enjoy your posts now!  2 years ago I wasnt much of a fan, but now I enjoy your contributions!

Carl2291 said:
Porcupine_I said:

Reported for insulting yourself

Fun fact, I have a mod note in my history for just that reason.

Dr.Grass said:

Oh you are!? I was just saying what you sound like to me. 

That paragraph does absolutely nothing to convince me that it wouldn't just be better for mods to just relax a little on all the banning. But if that was ever a possibility, then the whining and pro-banning campaign that's reared its head now has firmly quashed it again into nothingness.

Of course. Us dipshits always get together to get those pesky trouble causers banned!

Mods dont need to relax on the bans. Not at all. If you break the rules, you get banned. If you dont like getting banned, dont break the rules. Its not exactly difficult. I used to get banned every other Month, yet currently Im ban-free for over 2 Years. Look at your own behaviour and maybe you wont find yourself on the wrong end of a ban hammer.

PlaystaionGamer said:

You need to stop fucking belittling me in comments, Your problem is you 'THINK' your smart. 


This is hilarious.

kow - This wont work
PSGamer - Why do you care, youre part of the problem
kow - I dont support this, you dont understand my comment. I dont like free pass trolling
PSGamer - The mods have messaged me about you and your trouble causing in Sony threads

Seriously. This is a part of the problem. When users enter a thread with an agenda of pissing someone else off. You have added nothing to the thread, all you have done is niggle at kow. Its un-needed and its causing confrontation. Seriously. All you have done here is trash talk kow, and thats exactly what we dont need in any of the forums here at GamrConnect.

lol You dont appreciate a little confrontation?


I've seen you confront people before *cough* Vgking *cough*


Without confrontation, Vgchartz would be boring

selnor1983 said:

1. I know its hard at times as it happens alot, but if we seriously just ignore it alltogether it will go away.

Is this also your opinion about global warming and world hunger?