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Forums - Sales Discussion - HW UP! Global SW UP! 5th October 2013

Damagon said:
The WiiU finally selling as much as a dying 8 year old 7th gen console. Good for Nintendo.

Outselling the PS3 in the US, you know the best selling home console this year, with GTAV boost. Yes i would call that impressive, especially since it is a 10 year old  game boosting sales alongside a modest price cut.

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Zero999 said:
DerNebel said:

Yeah, I don't see where I'm diminishing the Wii U sales, I predicted about 15k less, I was wrong, not denying or downplaying that. But i'm not talking about that. I'm talking about your condescending, arrogant and most importantly completely unjustified attitude (which starts with your sig)

Also regarding the prediction part, don't think that just cause I'm a new user here I don't know about this:

I don't see where I said YOU were diminishing sales. I quoted this: "The WiiU finally selling as much as a dying 8 year old 7th gen console. Good for Nintendo."

and you came to the unrelated subject of my misprediction.  please tell me more about my "attitude". and what's not true on my sig?

I could search through your history to show you some example but honestly it's not worth it, I'm not going to derail the thread any further and possibly risk an unnecessary ban for a discussion with you. But to just give one example of what I mean with "attitude" didn't you get banned once or even twice for insulting other users in portuguese? Probably cause you thought no one would ever be able to get behind that brilliant plan...

Also regarding your sig, don't act as if not everyone on this site knows what you're implying with that.

And yes, before you ask, I'm more or less "stalking" your posts if you want to call it that. But that is cause I have for the several years I have lurked this site hardly ever found a user as aggravatingly stubborn as yourself.

DerNebel said:
Zero999 said:

I don't see where I said YOU were diminishing sales. I quoted this: "The WiiU finally selling as much as a dying 8 year old 7th gen console. Good for Nintendo."

and you came to the unrelated subject of my misprediction.  please tell me more about my "attitude". and what's not true on my sig?

I could search through your history to show you some example but honestly it's not worth it, I'm not going to derail the thread any further and possibly risk an unnecessary ban for a discussion with you. But to just give one example of what I mean with "attitude" didn't you get banned once or even twice for insulting other users in portuguese? Probably cause you thought no one would ever be able to get behind that brilliant plan...

Also regarding your sig, don't act as if not everyone on this site knows what you're implying with that.

And yes, before you ask, I'm more or less "stalking" your posts if you want to call it that. But that is cause I have for the several years I have lurked this site hardly ever found a user as aggravatingly stubborn as yourself.

bold: right, insulting someone who was insulting me is now wrong.

Wow. Zelda sold 150k retail copies in just 2 days??

WiiU and The Wind Waker doing great!!!

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I suspect thursday will bring about the disappointing reality regarding these hardware numbers.  At least for the PS3, 360, and Wii U.  The 3DS is probably fine.  The GTA boost just seems too good to be true.  As for the Wii U, VGC has it selling more the week before the price cut/bundle than it averaged the month of Pikmin.  If the Pikmin week made up the same proportion of monthly hardware sales as VGC shows, that would mean the week before the price cut was ~30% higher than the three weeks after Pikmin.

Yakuzaice said:

I suspect thursday will bring about the disappointing reality regarding these hardware numbers.  At least for the PS3, 360, and Wii U.  The 3DS is probably fine.  The GTA boost just seems too good to be true.  As for the Wii U, VGC has it selling more the week before the price cut/bundle than it averaged the month of Pikmin.  If the Pikmin week made up the same proportion of monthly hardware sales as VGC shows, that would mean the week before the price cut was ~30% higher than the three weeks after Pikmin.


Zero999 said:


You think sales immediately before a price cut and new bundle should be up compared to the weeks after the system's biggest release in months?  I seem to recall people arguing that low Japanese sales this past week were due to the bundles that were still a month off.

PS3 is NOT dying at all, don't get why some people think otherwise.

Wii U bump was more than I expected due to the fact that I thought USA sales would be lowered if not stayed the same, surprisingly they increased by like 10k. Nintendo should continue the bundles strategy and I wonder the sales when Japan gets them bundles

The Vita was kinda shown this week software sells hardware although the new model might be able to push some hardware, but I honestly don't expect much without a big title.

Nice numbers for Wii U. Nintendo finally started addressing the two issues holding the console back - price and lack of must-have games. The price is still a tad ($50) too high in my opinion and Nintendo has to work on cutting it next year, especially since now the games are finally coming and this week proves there is still life in the console and it can be saved. The patient is reacting to the cure. Something Vita didn't do when KZ:M was released - just goes to show how badly Sony is handling it and how lackluster the coming months are :( Once Mario Kart is out, it will be selling all right and another price cut on top of games like X and a few other big time exclusive games (I'm hoping for a Metroid Prime in 2014 - be it a new game or just Trilogy HD) will finally give it a steady footing in the market and once and forever drag out of the doomzone. I've always thought it will be easier to pull Wii U out of it, than Vita, but then again - Sony isn't putting a quarter of the effort Nintendo is putting in Wii U right now.

@ DerNebel, just stop it. You don't stand a chance. Zero999's attitude stems from the fact that he is the archetype of a Sony hating Nintendo fa... oh wait! Sheesh, almost did it, almost forgot you can't call someone a fanboy in this forum! Good thing I stopped the last moment and didn't do it. Was very close... :P Either way, you just can't win with such people, so there is no use fighting.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.