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Forums - General Discussion - What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

Ultra Violet... The acting left the taste of hot garbage in my mouth.

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Although I have seen many terrible movies, only one movie has made me feel highly suicidal after watching it, as killing myself seemed (at the time) to be preferrable to living in a world that could allow it to be produced.

That movie was Scary Movie 2.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.


At the movies, it would be 1999's Beowulf with Christophe Lambert for sure !
On TV, i really dont know, i have seen so many awful movies...


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mrpapaye said:

At the movies, it would be 1999's Beowulf with Christophe Lambert for sure !
On TV, i really dont know, i have seen so many awful movies...


UGH, that was an almost unbearable movie...who'd of thought it would be so craptacular as futuristic Beowulf sounded like a good idea.

I've seen a lot that are so bad they're good, like Cheerleader Ninjas, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter and Twisted Justice. If you like The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, try But I'm a Cheerleader. In my opinion, those last three films I mentioned are queer/quirky/campy, but not bad.

Oh, and my worst film? The Cars That Ate Paris. That was painful to watch! How could the man who gave us Dead Poets Society have directed that?

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FishyJoe said:
Miracle Mile with Anthony Edwards. Basically these idiots find out that the end of the world is about to happen and run around LA like chickens with their heads cut off. The movie ends with their helicopter crashing into the the La Brea tar pits and they decide to just stay there and become fossils. The end.

UGH, lol! That sounds pretty bad, but it's still no The Stupids with Tom Arnold.

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It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Ultra Violet (bad acting) , Master of Disguise (horrible), Spiderman3 (Venon is a joke), Scary Movie...etc

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gurok said:

I've seen a lot that are so bad they're good, like Cheerleader Ninjas, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter and Twisted Justice. If you like The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, try But I'm a Cheerleader. In my opinion, those last three films I mentioned are queer/quirky/campy, but not bad.

Oh, and my worst film? The Cars That Ate Paris. That was painful to watch! How could the man who gave us Dead Poets Society have directed that?

 But I'm a Cheerleader was great, I just watched it again last week.

For the people that said LoTR, Kill Bill, Phantom Menace, Edward Scissorhands, and The Grudge. This is about the worst movie you have ever saw, not which movie you got the most joy out of rebelling against. :)

About Edward Scissorhands: In the beginning Price is bringing him his hands, and says something along the lines of "Look what I have for you". That pretty much explained it right there. He simply hadn't finished the hands, and threw the scissorhands on him in the mean time.

As for my worst movie, besides obvious B movie stuff, I'd probably say Bad Santa and Charlie's Angels. It's rare I make the time to watch a movie and can't finish it, even if I'm not enjoying it. 99% of the time I'll see it through til the end. Both of these I didn't get halfway through. I don't even know if I made it 20 minutes into Charlie's Angels.

If we're counting B-level movies, I'd probably say I Spit On Your Grave. It was pretty disgusting, but fell into the "so bad it was funny" camp. Anyone here ever saw this one before?

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

Tank Girl one of the worst movies ever created my 1st GF dragged me to that horrid movie

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