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Forums - Website Topics - Leaving Already...

i'm soo sorry to hear
never heard of pooper scooper but w. a name like that its prettyobvious what type of person he is....



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kingofwale said:
no offense, with 15 posts, you haven't really earned the right to whine.

yes, it's harsh, but COME ON! If you want universal approval, well, there's no such thing in life, you just have to live with it.

If you want to stay, Great, I can be your friend, if not, Well, see you later, I really don't think I'd remember this thread 10 days from now.

And the 15 posts were question why a trolling, swearing, demeaning, harrassing, threatening user got banned by ssj.

can't you guys just say something nice to our friend????
he joined today

y be all mean to him?????


He was only here for about an hour, he defend somebody who dissed a mod for no good reason and who cursed, wouldn't listen to some peoples opinions, and made athread about leaving, and didn't leave. VGC hasn't come to anything.

If I made a thread saying"I'm leaving" then stayed around and discussed my leaving after I've been here only an hour and contributed to an argument, somebody would tell me to leave by now!




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

ok everybody - calm down - he has officially left

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dsoverpsp said:
can't you guys just say something nice to our friend????
he joined today

y be all mean to him?????

He is a troll! He made multiple accounts under names like Solidar which were all banned and then set up madkiller. Read and then tell me you want him to stay.

dsoverpsp said:
can't you guys just say something nice to our friend????
he joined today

y be all mean to him?????

 well, the guy's a newbie and he needs to learn how internet forum works. People are TOUGH and you can't always expect goodies.


It's like the real world, if you chicken out everytime something mean happens, you will never grow up.


I'm offering him my friendship, but if he is insisting on leaving if one guy (out of 1000 people here) is mean to him, he can just leave for all I care. 

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^ I have been calm for as long as i can remember

well that's not how i was treated when i was a newbie ^^
a nice person named Pichu_pichu let me in

i guess i just got lucky...

but how do u guys know madkiller is Solidar?