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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Instead of buying 4BONE, why not buy a Wii U this holiday?

tbone51 said:
chapset said:
tbone51 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Mr Khan said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Because I want next gen features and a console that will last 4 years...not one where people are asking if it will last 6 months.

Also to say that the WiiU has next gen graphics is a flat out lie and you know it. It does not support all dx 11 features and the memory pool is too small to be next gen.

The hyperbole here is making my head hurt.

Can you tell me how many shops have stop stocking the WiiU....
Now how common is that for a console this new?

Anddd? Yes we know WiiU sucks in sales now. So did PS3/Vita/GCN. Its been almost a year, never sell anything short or you might mistake it like people did with the 3DS (Which has Great Sales for a Dead Handheld Market Generation )

PS3 never even got close to selling as bad as the wii U on a weekly basis, for the vita and gamecube they are not really helping the point you are trying to make unless if you think the wii U selling around 20mill is a great success

OMG, my point was just saying anything can turn around, i know WiiU selling worse 20mil isn't a great success but its better than 3.5mil right? PS3 sold 80mil but how much money was made on it? 3DS might be selling alot but it lost  a ton of money on hardware the first year. So 20mil might be bad in the eyes of the public but if it made a profit then yes its a great success. 30mil would be a greater success, 40mil be an even greater success and so on. 


Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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Absolutely not, i'll stick to my PS4. None of the WiiU titles look appealing to me.
Not big on Nintendo anymore. They're kinda rehashing the same franchise games.

Daisuke72 said:
Cheebee said:
Noctis23 said:


Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
^And if the majority of those can be played elsewhere?

Maybe, but we know for sure the Wii U won't have: Metal Gear Solid, The Witcher 3, The Divison, Destiny, Battlefield, any major sports titles, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Dragon Age: Inqusition, Lightning Returns, and so on

We also know for sure PS4/X1 won't have  Mario 3D World, DK Country TF, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., X, Bayonetta 2, Zelda, and so on.

His point was there's a lot of 3rd party games not coming to Wii U, no idea why you posted Nintendo 1st party games.

Yeah that didn't really  make a lot of sense.


I didn't mention Infamous, The Order, or any of the other 1st party games currently in development for PS4

Smashed said:
Absolutely not, i'll stick to my PS4. None of the WiiU titles look appealing to me.
Not big on Nintendo anymore. They're kinda rehashing the same franchise games.

No interested in X? Thats an amazing title though Everybody loves SSB too, Bayo2 Is exclusive and it looks awesome

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

Well if you like RPGS you either had a nintendo console or a PS1.

PS1>PS3 in RPG content. To this day.


Your 3DS threads are funny you prefer the Vita yet the 3DS has way more RPG's

You still need both if you want to play the well rounded divison. (Tales Reboots and Phantasy Star and the other one)

I don't prefer either.  Whichever comes out with games I'm interested in I'll play.  My posts about Vita being better than the 3DS are an accumulation of the quality of all titles, ports or not.  If there is a console version I play that version so most of the ports I haven't even played on the Vita itself.  I've said the 3DS has more good exclusives, but that's not hard when 99% of the titles on the Vita are ports or enhanced ports.

Despite what my Vita vs 3DS posts might insinuate, I actually own more 3DS titles than I do Vita titles. 

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Daisuke72 said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Daisuke72 said:
Cheebee said:
Noctis23 said:


Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
^And if the majority of those can be played elsewhere?

Maybe, but we know for sure the Wii U won't have: Metal Gear Solid, The Witcher 3, The Divison, Destiny, Battlefield, any major sports titles, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Dragon Age: Inqusition, Lightning Returns, and so on

We also know for sure PS4/X1 won't have  Mario 3D World, DK Country TF, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., X, Bayonetta 2, Zelda, and so on.

His point was there's a lot of 3rd party games not coming to Wii U, no idea why you posted Nintendo 1st party games.

The counter point is that those games arent here yet. So why not just buy your secondary console first and wait for the games you're listing that you want to play when they get released. You'll probably find better deals on the console then than at launch without any of the growing pains that stem from a launch.

The WiiU on the other hand is a year old now and you can get some sweet bundles with it and Black Friday deals off it. Unless you GOTTA have that Killzone immediatly.



A. I don't have the money right now.


B. I'd like to wait to see if it drops in price again.


C. When X releases I'll be able to buy cheaper games.


D. I don't have time for it. 

Thats fine for you. But other people come up with dumb arguements. People need to think for themselves. They get mad when people point out their double standards

Noctis23 said:
Daisuke72 said:
Cheebee said:
Noctis23 said:


Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
^And if the majority of those can be played elsewhere?

Maybe, but we know for sure the Wii U won't have: Metal Gear Solid, The Witcher 3, The Divison, Destiny, Battlefield, any major sports titles, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Dragon Age: Inqusition, Lightning Returns, and so on

We also know for sure PS4/X1 won't have  Mario 3D World, DK Country TF, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., X, Bayonetta 2, Zelda, and so on.

His point was there's a lot of 3rd party games not coming to Wii U, no idea why you posted Nintendo 1st party games.

Yeah that didn't really  make a lot of sense.


I didn't mention Infamous, The Order, or any of the other 1st party games currently in development for PS4

Excuse me, I thought it was about games not coming to WiiU, because you started with 'We know for sure the Wii U won't have...' So that's why I mentioned games not coming to PS4/X1. Had no idea you were singling out 3rd party stuff; just goes to show how little some people care about those kind of games, I guess. Also, Bayonetta 2 is 3rd party, unless Platinum's now a Nintendo dev..?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


tbone51 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Mr Khan said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Because I want next gen features and a console that will last 4 years...not one where people are asking if it will last 6 months.

Also to say that the WiiU has next gen graphics is a flat out lie and you know it. It does not support all dx 11 features and the memory pool is too small to be next gen.

The hyperbole here is making my head hurt.

Can you tell me how many shops have stop stocking the WiiU....
Now how common is that for a console this new?

Anddd? Yes we know WiiU sucks in sales now. So did PS3/Vita/GCN. Its been almost a year, never sell anything short or you might mistake it like people did with the 3DS (Which has Great Sales for a Dead Handheld Market Generation )

It is hilarious yet scary how people compare the WiiU to everything else. NOTHING (as in major console - why do people compare it to a handheld? It's a totally different market) has sold this badly for this long before. The PS3 was never removed from stock, and we know bad sales for this long will end up a problem eg. the dreamcast...yet that shifted 10 million units in 2 years. The WiiU looks set to fall short of that my a long, long margin.

Cheebee said:
Noctis23 said:
Daisuke72 said:
Cheebee said:
Noctis23 said:


Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
^And if the majority of those can be played elsewhere?

Maybe, but we know for sure the Wii U won't have: Metal Gear Solid, The Witcher 3, The Divison, Destiny, Battlefield, any major sports titles, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Dragon Age: Inqusition, Lightning Returns, and so on

We also know for sure PS4/X1 won't have  Mario 3D World, DK Country TF, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., X, Bayonetta 2, Zelda, and so on.

His point was there's a lot of 3rd party games not coming to Wii U, no idea why you posted Nintendo 1st party games.

Yeah that didn't really  make a lot of sense.


I didn't mention Infamous, The Order, or any of the other 1st party games currently in development for PS4

Excuse me, I thought it was about games not coming to WiiU, because you started with 'We know for sure the Wii U won't have...' So that's why I mentioned games not coming to PS4/X1. Had no idea you were singling out 3rd party stuff; just goes to show how little some people care about those kind of games, I guess. Also, Bayonetta 2 is 3rd party, unless Platinum's now a Nintendo dev..?

And yet you mentioned Bayonetta 2, a game which original version didn't even come to a Nintendo console, but now all of a sudden it's an exclusive you magically care about it? As you said in this post you don't give third party games the time of day to even see what they're about.


So you don't care for games unless they're Nintendo exclusives? 


That's pretty pathetic, honestly.