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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: PlayStation 4 gets graphically definitive version of Watch_Dogs

@fatslob-:O, you're really dense, lay off the insecurity.

@ethomaz, so you finally changed your profile pic XD

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fatslob-:O said:
mii-gamer said:
fatslob-:O said:
mii-gamer said:
I called it! Ubisoft is not going to put the extra on the wii u version. Still buying but not day one

Has it ever occurred to you that what ubisoft might be saying is a truth ? 

It is has been well established that the Wii U is more capable than current gen, it may not be up on par with ps4/one, but it is still capable of pushing far more than current gen, one only needs to look at the quick dirty port of need for speed rival most u . It is up to developer's whether they want to take advantage of the Wii U. 

Look dude, if a big publisher like ubisoft says that it practically matches current generation hardware then you know there is something wrong with the wii u's hardware and don't go around giving me excuses or calling it bullshit. Ubisoft has commented and what they say is pretty much final about it's capabilites. I still do believe that the wii u is stronger but by a factor of say 10% and that's being generous seeing as how it doesn't completely beat PS3 in terms of specs. BTW developers probably are already taking alot of it's advantages but those advantages come short handed because it doesn't offer enough, it's just that you and the others won't admit to the system having a huge fault. 

When did i call it bullshit? Just because a game is on par with current gen doesn't necessarily mean the hardware is. It depends on whether the publisher is willing to put the extra effort and investment on the hardware, hence my original comment. Criterion has proven this is the case, with only given 6 or so months to develope a quick port of Need for speed most wanted U with superior visuals , Sqaure Enix has confirmed that Deus hr directors cut will habe substantial visual improvement for the wii U:

  • Improved visuals: With a better lighting system, fog and smoother shadows; all visual improvements from The Missing Link have been applied through the whole game. And with anti-aliasing, this is the best looking Deus Ex available.
yeah dude there are a few real world example where i am right. 

Locknuts said:
Here's an actual quote from the creative director regarding the Wii U version from

“I think it’s even going to be a bit better. If you pump the PC to its maximum there are things in the filtering and rendering that I think are possible on high-end PCs that are pretty amazing. Wii U is pretty much in-between – it’s neither of them, not current-gen, maybe closer to current-gen than next-gen.”

So it's just as everyone suspected. A bit better than current gen but noticeably worse than next gen.

lol at your text interpretation. "WII U IS PRETTY MUCH IN BETWEEN".

MohammadBadir said:
@fatslob-:O, you're really dense, lay off the insecurity.

@ethomaz, so you finally changed your profile pic XD

Hahahaha so did I hit a nerve ?

Pachofilauri said:
Flanneryaug said:

I was really looking forward to getting the Wii U version of this game, but now I won't since Ubisoft isn't putting any effort into it.

dont worry...

I think that Ubisoft should just release a video of this game running on the Wii U, if it does look better than the current gen. Personally, I don't care about graphics, but I'm not going to buy a lazy port.

Nintendo Network ID: Flanneryaug

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Zero999 said:

lol at your text interpretation. "WII U IS PRETTY MUCH IN BETWEEN".

you need to continue the reading "maybe closer to current-gen than next-gen"

In numbers:

PS360: 1
PS4/Xbone: 10

Wii is ~3

fatslob-:O said:
MohammadBadir said:
@fatslob-:O, you're really dense, lay off the insecurity.

@ethomaz, so you finally changed your profile pic XD

Hahahaha so did I hit a nerve ?

nah, i'm on medication right now so i can't really get angry for my own good.

but seriously, you just jump into every negative nintendo thread and go all "hurr durr Wiuuuuu doomed nintendo will die soon xd lulz".

and you pretty much jump into Sony threads as "PSquadruple will have the ultimato amount of next gurn powah".

i can see right through your insecurity.

mii-gamer said:
fatslob-:O said:
mii-gamer said:
fatslob-:O said:
mii-gamer said:
I called it! Ubisoft is not going to put the extra on the wii u version. Still buying but not day one

Has it ever occurred to you that what ubisoft might be saying is a truth ? 

It is has been well established that the Wii U is more capable than current gen, it may not be up on par with ps4/one, but it is still capable of pushing far more than current gen, one only needs to look at the quick dirty port of need for speed rival most u . It is up to developer's whether they want to take advantage of the Wii U. 

Look dude, if a big publisher like ubisoft says that it practically matches current generation hardware then you know there is something wrong with the wii u's hardware and don't go around giving me excuses or calling it bullshit. Ubisoft has commented and what they say is pretty much final about it's capabilites. I still do believe that the wii u is stronger but by a factor of say 10% and that's being generous seeing as how it doesn't completely beat PS3 in terms of specs. BTW developers probably are already taking alot of it's advantages but those advantages come short handed because it doesn't offer enough, it's just that you and the others won't admit to the system having a huge fault. 

When did i call it bullshit? Just because a game is on par with current gen doesn't necessarily mean the hardware is. It depends on whether the publisher is willing to put the extra effort and investment on the hardware, hence my original comment. Criterion has proven this is the case, with only given 6 or so months to develope a quick port of Need for speed most wanted U with superior visuals , Sqaure Enix has confirmed that Deus hr directors cut will habe substantial visual improvement for the wii U:

  • Improved visuals: With a better lighting system, fog and smoother shadows; all visual improvements from The Missing Link have been applied through the whole game. And with anti-aliasing, this is the best looking Deus Ex available.
yeah dude there are a few real world example where i am right. 

Then why does ubisoft struggle trying to get better visuals on the WII U ? BTW ubisoft has supported the wii u more than EA or square enix so they have more rights to judge it's hardware. BTW the visuals ain't a complete overhaul on the WII U so you might want to scratch out your idea of it being drastically better on the WII U. 

GribbleGrunger said:
MB1025 said:

People do realize that most UbiSoft games are better on the Sony console right?

They were all made on the PS3 and ported over and nothing has changed this gen.

Also it doesn't make sense how he says both hit 30FPS, but Xbox One dips from 60 FPS. If the game is going for 30 FPS why does it matter if the XB1 version dips below 60 FPS?

Because they've got the PS4 version running at 60fps and they're undecided on whether to dumb it down to match the X1 version.

It never once is implied teh game runs at 60FPS on the PS4. He clearly says "Right now the frame rate we're focusing on is a steady 30FPS".

Like I saidit doesn't make sense especially due to the fact this little nugget at the end. 

'Keep in mind, these are not confirmed numbers, just rumors from a trust source, so take everything with a grain of salt'

The part I bolded here is what the writer had to say. So why are we quoting Jonathan Morin, the creative director, if this is second hand information?

DAT Definite Version.