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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think the results for the GOP in Nov will be?

I don't think that the Republican will do to well in November people still associate them with the very unpopular war. If it's Clinton Vs McCain McCain would win if Obama gets the nomination I think he'll win. He's giving a lot of people hope and currently very inspiring while McCain has just made some shifts to get more of the conservatives but turning off more of the independents.

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In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

HappySqurriel said:

In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

Care to explain or do you just believe everything right wing tv channels say?

Anyway, from an outside perspective the Bush administration, with the aid of a Republican Congress, made a complete mess of the US, do people really expect a new Republican president to fix it?

koffieboon said:
HappySqurriel said:

In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

Care to explain or do you just believe everything right wing tv channels say?

Anyway, from an outside perspective the Bush administration, with the aid of a Republican Congress, made a complete mess of the US, do people really expect a new Republican president to fix it?

It's not like he made it a mess via republican ideas. He just made it a mess because he was a conservative and because he deficit spended like there was no tommorrow.  Well that and he was an idiot.  

That and the whole Iraq thing. Which Mccain was against in the first place. He just doesn't feel it's right to abandon people we put in such a perilious position.  Well that and he was a guy who failed at everything he's ever did... and sounded stupid.  Boy, I love it when my representative is a guy who can't even say big words in english without someone giggling at him.

Pretty much anyone will be able to "fix" America by not being a jerkass and deficit spend. Oddly, this may be why Mccain would be better in the whitehouse. He's always been anti-deficit.

The Iraq issue is tricky because it's lose lose, you pull out again and likely risk a civil war as well as have even more negative press oversees as not only are we preemtpive dicks we're preemtive dicks who never finish anything we start, who have made things worse for Iraq (and Afghanistan) without any positive long term benefits for said countries. Pretty much insuring that no country's people's trust us should we want or have to go in some other country.

Stay, and we continue to lose American lives to hold together a tenous peace while waitng for the iraqi government to come together, which will be a painfully slow progress, since their congress seems almost as slow as our congress at doing anything.


If Clinton pulls it out against Obama, she'll lose to McCain. Otherwise it'll likely be a slim Obama victory in the general election.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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koffieboon said:
HappySqurriel said:

In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

Care to explain or do you just believe everything right wing tv channels say?

Anyway, from an outside perspective the Bush administration, with the aid of a Republican Congress, made a complete mess of the US, do people really expect a new Republican president to fix it?

Yeah man, I don't think you know much about the issues. You sound like "zomg go go democrats!" when you obviously don't know that McCain is the most liberal conservative alive, and has the ability not to alienate most of the middle with his fair minded views.


Sounds like your just having a Barrack-Attack. Don't be a fanboy just cause you wanna have sex with the dude, honestly.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


If it is McCain vs. Hillary, McCain will win. Republicans dislike Hillary too much to not vote against her.

If it is Obama, then well, I believe he will win. Although he is not the best qualified candidate, he is easily the most popular.

I really hope McCain is the next presidnet though, he is the most moderate of the three and that is really something for republicans.

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There's one thing I am worried about - the Harold Ford effect. That's when Tenn. voters were behind Rep. Harold Ford's bid to the Senate. However, in the booths, they choose a white Republican instead.

Yet, this country has slogged through 8 years of foolishness and folks are hungry for change. If the primaries and caucuses are a barometer of voter turnout, the Dems will keep seats and win in the Congress and the White House.

Most voters aren't thrilled with the direction of the country. They aren't happy with the GOPs 8-year mess - and yeah, the Dems won big in the 2006 and didn't lose a single seat but still didn't have a majority so go figure. This year, though, it will be a Dem wave.

Regardless if the lobbyist claim derails the Straight Talk Express or not, it will be Dem heaven come Jan. 2009. Mark my words on that.

Another claim? Obama-Clinton ticket for 2008. Yeah, they hate each other, but it's the only way we'll see a huge landslide.

royalcaribcruiser123 said:
I am a Republican mainly because of my Religous views. I used to like McCain but now he trying to get conservatives on his bandwagon and he totally changed his stances in some of the areas in which I supported his Ideals. Right now I don't Like any of the Canidates for either party because of their stance on the war or their stance on immigration.

What's their stance on immigration (and how does it differ from a traditional Republican view)?

ZenfoldorVGI said:
koffieboon said:
HappySqurriel said:

In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

Care to explain or do you just believe everything right wing tv channels say?

Anyway, from an outside perspective the Bush administration, with the aid of a Republican Congress, made a complete mess of the US, do people really expect a new Republican president to fix it?

Yeah man, I don't think you know much about the issues. You sound like "zomg go go democrats!" when you obviously don't know that McCain is the most liberal conservative alive, and has the ability not to alienate most of the middle with his fair minded views.


Sounds like your just having a Barrack-Attack. Don't be a fanboy just cause you wanna have sex with the dude, honestly.

How the hell do I sound like "zomg go go democrats!"? All I said was that Bush made a mess of his job (a standpoint shared by many as far as I can see) and I asked for proof before calling Obama a fascist (sounds reasonable to ask for proof before making those kind of accusations)