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There's one thing I am worried about - the Harold Ford effect. That's when Tenn. voters were behind Rep. Harold Ford's bid to the Senate. However, in the booths, they choose a white Republican instead.

Yet, this country has slogged through 8 years of foolishness and folks are hungry for change. If the primaries and caucuses are a barometer of voter turnout, the Dems will keep seats and win in the Congress and the White House.

Most voters aren't thrilled with the direction of the country. They aren't happy with the GOPs 8-year mess - and yeah, the Dems won big in the 2006 and didn't lose a single seat but still didn't have a majority so go figure. This year, though, it will be a Dem wave.

Regardless if the lobbyist claim derails the Straight Talk Express or not, it will be Dem heaven come Jan. 2009. Mark my words on that.

Another claim? Obama-Clinton ticket for 2008. Yeah, they hate each other, but it's the only way we'll see a huge landslide.