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ZenfoldorVGI said:
koffieboon said:
HappySqurriel said:

In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

Care to explain or do you just believe everything right wing tv channels say?

Anyway, from an outside perspective the Bush administration, with the aid of a Republican Congress, made a complete mess of the US, do people really expect a new Republican president to fix it?

Yeah man, I don't think you know much about the issues. You sound like "zomg go go democrats!" when you obviously don't know that McCain is the most liberal conservative alive, and has the ability not to alienate most of the middle with his fair minded views.


Sounds like your just having a Barrack-Attack. Don't be a fanboy just cause you wanna have sex with the dude, honestly.

How the hell do I sound like "zomg go go democrats!"? All I said was that Bush made a mess of his job (a standpoint shared by many as far as I can see) and I asked for proof before calling Obama a fascist (sounds reasonable to ask for proof before making those kind of accusations)