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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Which XBOX ONE Kinect 2.0 focused game do you feel is a must own/system seller?

I don't know if there are really any system selling Kinect games yet, but Kinect Sports Rivals looks kind of fun.

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Stinky said:
I haven't seen any yet, but the fitness stuff is probably going to go to a new level so it would be interesting to see what comes out of that. I'd definitely like to see a Tai Chi trainer or something for us older folks. :D

That would be a very useful game!  Also one for yoga.  I was dissapointed in the ones for the original Fitness Evolved, not because of Kinect, but becaue it was the same thing over, and over again.

Even My Fitness Coach for the Wii, will make a different yoga routine of various lengths if you ask it too.  I don't understand why nobody has captured this market as well as that old game.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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     Project Spark looks pretty good.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Stinky said:
I haven't seen any yet, but the fitness stuff is probably going to go to a new level so it would be interesting to see what comes out of that. I'd definitely like to see a Tai Chi trainer or something for us older folks. :D

I'd love to see a p90x/insanity thing with kinect.

Fitness is a big market, maybe not among the hardcore gamer but that's not who they're marketing it to, we already know most are fatass neckbeards that don't like to move.

People have easily dropped more than $500 for home fitness equipment that ends up as a clothes hanger without blinking.

kitler53 said:
Adinnieken said:
kitler53 said:

yeah, agreed.  MS needs to either:

A) show some really great kinect games to show off the value of having kinect bundled in every xbone justifying the $100 price difference with ps4.

B) remove kinect if they don't have any great games elminiting the $100 that is at this point the primary reason xbone is trailing to ps4.

I disagree.

Kinect isn't just about games.

So far, the biggest Kinect game that comes to mind is Disney's Fantasia: Music Evolved. 

well the OS stuff hasn't exactly lit the world on fire either. the xbone reveal had like 20 mintues dedicated to voice and motion control of the user interface and the story the press picked up was "where's the games?" and "what's up with the DRM?".  if it was so important that i can say "xbox on" it would be talked about a lot more.

...besides it's not like voice or motion controls are exclusive, new or even well recieved.

I'm not sure we've really seen the OS yet, nor have we seen it completely in motion either.  We've seen bits and pieces.  That said, what we did see of the OS was impressive, even if you weren't impressed.

And who cares that we didn't see games at the reveal.  We've seen games ever since.  As more become ready to show they keep showing off more and more.  There aren't too many people disappointed in the Xbox One's line-up of launch games or games being released in 2014.  So why does it matter to you how they started off the reveal of the Xbox One.  I mean for gosh sakes, the reveal of the Xbox One has been one of the slowest, most drawn out reveals I think that may have ever existed in this history of an electronic device.  

You undermine your very own argument when the fact is out of the box, like so many other modern electronics, the Xbox One will support voice control.  I'll laugh at your Siri link, because being old enough to be around when vioce control of the Ui was still in its infancy and required an expensive piece of software that cost about $500, a long and lengthy learning/training process that makes setting up a learning remote look easy, and the fact that it could only work a handful of actual commands.  It's extremely laughable that people would complain about the problems with Siri.  

Kinect with the Xbox One improves upon Kinect with the Xbox 360, significantly in a number of areas as well.  

I'm glad the PS4 has voice support, let's see it.  Let's see the PS4 do what the Xbox One does with voice, facial recognition, motion capture, motion control.  I haven't seen the PS4 Camera actually do what you say it does.  I've seen a demo for Playroom, but that's meaningless.  So, where are those lauded features that the PS4 can support?  Hell, we haven't actually even seen a real demo of the PS4 Camera's ability to switch gamer position.

Granted, Sony says they're there, so I know you believe them.  And i'm sure they're fantasticly implmented on the first try.  So it'll be really cool to say over and over a command and the PS4 won't respond.  But I'm sure it's really going to be awesome.  Well, that is if, like the Move, Sony doesn't completely forget about it and abandon it.

By the time Sony gets voice commands working on the PS4, Microsoft will have "Cortana" fully implemented on the Xbox One, Windows, and Windows Phone.  But I'm sure Sony's voice commands will be quaint.


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Adinnieken said:
kitler53 said:

well the OS stuff hasn't exactly lit the world on fire either. the xbone reveal had like 20 mintues dedicated to voice and motion control of the user interface and the story the press picked up was "where's the games?" and "what's up with the DRM?".  if it was so important that i can say "xbox on" it would be talked about a lot more.

...besides it's not like voice or motion controls are exclusive, new or even well recieved.

I'm not sure we've really seen the OS yet, nor have we seen it completely in motion either.  We've seen bits and pieces.  That said, what we did see of the OS was impressive, even if you weren't impressed.

And who cares that we didn't see games at the reveal.  We've seen games ever since.  As more become ready to show they keep showing off more and more.  There aren't too many people disappointed in the Xbox One's line-up of launch games or games being released in 2014.  So why does it matter to you how they started off the reveal of the Xbox One.  I mean for gosh sakes, the reveal of the Xbox One has been one of the slowest, most drawn out reveals I think that may have ever existed in this history of an electronic device.  

You undermine your very own argument when the fact is out of the box, like so many other modern electronics, the Xbox One will support voice control.  I'll laugh at your Siri link, because being old enough to be around when vioce control of the Ui was still in its infancy and required an expensive piece of software that cost about $500, a long and lengthy learning/training process that makes setting up a learning remote look easy, and the fact that it could only work a handful of actual commands.  It's extremely laughable that people would complain about the problems with Siri.  

Kinect with the Xbox One improves upon Kinect with the Xbox 360, significantly in a number of areas as well.  

I'm glad the PS4 has voice support, let's see it.  Let's see the PS4 do what the Xbox One does with voice, facial recognition, motion capture, motion control.  I haven't seen the PS4 Camera actually do what you say it does.  I've seen a demo for Playroom, but that's meaningless.  So, where are those lauded features that the PS4 can support?  Hell, we haven't actually even seen a real demo of the PS4 Camera's ability to switch gamer position.

Granted, Sony says they're there, so I know you believe them.  And i'm sure they're fantasticly implmented on the first try.  So it'll be really cool to say over and over a command and the PS4 won't respond.  But I'm sure it's really going to be awesome.  Well, that is if, like the Move, Sony doesn't completely forget about it and abandon it.

By the time Sony gets voice commands working on the PS4, Microsoft will have "Cortana" fully implemented on the Xbox One, Windows, and Windows Phone.  But I'm sure Sony's voice commands will be quaint.

lulz.   i don't know what to even say except, "But I'm sure it's really going to be awesome."  well, that is if, like the kinect, ms doesn't completely forget about it and abandon it.

Project Spark
Kinect Sports Rivals

I am sure there will be some great fitness games and a Dance Central type game too.

Also, the media interaction alone is amazing to me.

Kinect Sports Rivals is the only one that looks kinda interesting too me so far the first one that might actually move some systems will probably be Dance Central 4 even though they milked it a bit to much on the 360 (two games would have been enough).

kitler53 said:

lulz.   i don't know what to even say except, "But I'm sure it's really going to be awesome."  well, that is if, like the kinect, ms doesn't completely forget about it and abandon it.

Yes, they're abandoning it by bundling it with the console and making Kinect a central feature of both the console and the OS.  You realize that there are still Kinect games being released for the Xbox 360, right?  Just last week or the week before there was one.  Not to mention games that have incorporated Kinect features.

Hell, the fact that Sony is trying as best as it can to duplicate what Microsoft is doing with Kinect with the PS4 Camera I think suggests that maybe Microsoft is headed down the right track.  But then again, maybe that's just me. 

Fighter Within!!!!!

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date