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Forums - General Discussion - Do you think that religion has any place in politics?

religions and politics should be kept widely apart



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I'm afraid history is well littered with the negative impact of religion when mixed with politics (and I don't mean a politician happens to have a faith, I mean has serious influence).

Religion by its very nature fixes absolutes of behaviour and what is permissable. It also stiffles change. As a single example, if Christianity had its way we'd still think the Sun orbited the Earth and the Earth was the centre of the Universe.

No religion that I'm aware of (and I've taken Religious Studies so I've looked at a few) in any way would have supported or led to the advances and steps forward our race has taken.

While many do put forward acceptable moral attitudes those same morals can be just as easily encapsulated by a nations laws without the negative restraint of a religion.

And let's not assume this all happened 'a long time ago' look at the 'Creationism' nonsense in recent years in US, or the fact that there are countries were due to religion its the womans fault if a man rapes her and she is then punished.

I guess a lot of people need 'faith' as a comfort blanket against both the scale of the Universe and the concept of ceasing to exist after a finite time, but I for one would be speedily leaving any country I lived in should it look like there was to be any unsuitable mixing of religion and politics.

Faith in Church, faith in private - laws and civil rights in public and politics.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

I thought the archbishops suggestion was shot down immediately, there was hardly even debate.

And yea highway it was the archbishop that was considering it, he didn't say we shouldn't. He said "Sharia law is inevitable in the UK".

"The Archbishop of Canterbury tonight prompted criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some of its aspects seemed "unavoidable".
Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.

However, the prime minister's spokesman swiftly rejected the archbishop's comments, which were delivered in a lecture on civil and religious law at the Royal Courts of Justice."

-The Guardian

Edit your first post with the real case highway :P

PDF said:
highwaystar101 said:
PDF said:
tmbh said:
Im with Stillwell

Keep religion away from politics.

In fact keep it away education and schools!

If you want to practice following/worshiping a belief system like that do it your own time and let others find it if they want to don't force it into schools.

It is not in the schools.  No one is forcing religion on you or is even talking about putting it in schools.  This is the brian dead idea that is running rampet in theworld.  Stop feeling so attacked no one is attacking you. 

Actally at my primary school we were pretty much forced to be christian (even then I didn't believe in christianity as it made no sense to me) but we had to sing hyms, prey and listen to readings from the bible. There were two muslim kids at my school, one was in my class and they were not allowed to attend assembley. This was a non religious school BTW.

Where the hell is this.  It is illegal to do what you just said in a public school.  If you went to a private school it is very legal.

Primary school, this was 1991 though

PDF said:
tmbh said:
Im with Stillwell

Keep religion away from politics.

In fact keep it away education and schools!

If you want to practice following/worshiping a belief system like that do it your own time and let others find it if they want to don't force it into schools.

It is not in the schools. No one is forcing religion on you or is even talking about putting it in schools. This is the brian dead idea that is running rampet in theworld. Stop feeling so attacked no one is attacking you.


So when I went to school as was made to goto RE (Religious Education) classes that wasnt forced on me?!!!!!

Many Schools here are overseen by a religioun.  For example I have been educated through scholls that are C of E (Church of England).  Some will insist pupils have been Baptised/Confirmed otherwise they will be refused entry!

Education is about enpowering people through learning, giving them the ability to make there own choices and decisions.  It encourages peolpe to question, challange and to discover new things.

Religion says this is how it was, this it how it is and this is how its going to be.  There is usually little or no room for change and anyone who challenges this will be attacked in some form.

 There is an Aids epidemic in parts of Africa and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are on the increase around the world.  People need to be educated about the risks and how to have safe sex (use a Condom).  The Catholic Churchs view is that we should not practise safe sex!

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PDF said:
@avinash - so you are telling me that you opinion is superior to mine because I have faith. That is against the constitution 1st 3 words. "We the People" that includes everyone. People of Faith and people of no faith. That makes everyone opinion equal.

 Your opinion is ok, as long as you don't bring your religion into politics and the government, keep your faith to yourself


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SeriousWB said:
I thought the archbishops suggestion was shot down immediately, there was hardly even debate.

And yea highway it was the archbishop that was considering it, he didn't say we shouldn't. He said "Sharia law is inevitable in the UK".

"The Archbishop of Canterbury tonight prompted criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some of its aspects seemed "unavoidable".
Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.

However, the prime minister's spokesman swiftly rejected the archbishop's comments, which were delivered in a lecture on civil and religious law at the Royal Courts of Justice."

-The Guardian

Edit your first post with the real case highway :P

Done, although on the news it didn't look that way. I guess they must have done some serious editing. I'm gonna go call ofcom now.

I saw it on the news, and it just showed the Archbishops unedited speech about it. Then it showed footage of a member of Parliament shooting down the idea quickly on some TV show.

@PDF: The fact that this thread is basically you vs the lot would signify that most people are actually opposed to this idea, why is that so hard to grasp?
Religion as a free choice in modern society is fine, having it thrust upon you either through education or law legislations is not imo.

Religion has no business in politics... end of discussion!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.