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SeriousWB said:
I thought the archbishops suggestion was shot down immediately, there was hardly even debate.

And yea highway it was the archbishop that was considering it, he didn't say we shouldn't. He said "Sharia law is inevitable in the UK".

"The Archbishop of Canterbury tonight prompted criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some of its aspects seemed "unavoidable".
Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.

However, the prime minister's spokesman swiftly rejected the archbishop's comments, which were delivered in a lecture on civil and religious law at the Royal Courts of Justice."

-The Guardian

Edit your first post with the real case highway :P

Done, although on the news it didn't look that way. I guess they must have done some serious editing. I'm gonna go call ofcom now.