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PDF said:
tmbh said:
Im with Stillwell

Keep religion away from politics.

In fact keep it away education and schools!

If you want to practice following/worshiping a belief system like that do it your own time and let others find it if they want to don't force it into schools.

It is not in the schools. No one is forcing religion on you or is even talking about putting it in schools. This is the brian dead idea that is running rampet in theworld. Stop feeling so attacked no one is attacking you.


So when I went to school as was made to goto RE (Religious Education) classes that wasnt forced on me?!!!!!

Many Schools here are overseen by a religioun.  For example I have been educated through scholls that are C of E (Church of England).  Some will insist pupils have been Baptised/Confirmed otherwise they will be refused entry!

Education is about enpowering people through learning, giving them the ability to make there own choices and decisions.  It encourages peolpe to question, challange and to discover new things.

Religion says this is how it was, this it how it is and this is how its going to be.  There is usually little or no room for change and anyone who challenges this will be attacked in some form.

 There is an Aids epidemic in parts of Africa and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are on the increase around the world.  People need to be educated about the risks and how to have safe sex (use a Condom).  The Catholic Churchs view is that we should not practise safe sex!