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I lost my virginity at 10 years old and again at 25 years old.  Now figure this one out lol.

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I am, because I'm Christian. No need to get into my beliefs.

As for being proud, I find it funny some people don't think I or others should be proud. Why wouldn't we out of everyone I know I know less then ten people who have held onto their virginity. It is a very hard thing to do and everyone is pressuring you to have sex.

Heck our culture makes Virgin's look like loosers but it takes alot of strength to hold onto your virginity. Its something admirable. Anyone who can say they are a virgin in today's soceity has my respect and I would think people would respect our commitment's to our beliefs.

Staying a virgin is the hardest thing I have ever done and I continue to do so. I used to be a jock and in good shape though today it's alittle easier because I'm no longer that attractive. But even being unattractive I have had oppurtunities. Its really hard to remain a virgin and sexually "Pure".

So yes I have alot of pride about being a virgin and every other virgin here should be damn proud about it too.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer



Joelcool7 said:

So yes I have alot of pride about being a virgin and every other virgin here should be damn proud about it too.

What you say makes no sense.

Are you telling me that someone who really wants to have sex, but is scared to talk to girls, or is unattractive, or doesn't have the social skills to talk to girls, although he really wants to... should be proud of himself?

That's how most of today's "old" virgins are, they are nerds or pepole without social skills who can't get sex even though they want to, why the hell would anyone be proud of himself like that?

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trasharmdsister12 said:
RageBot said:

What you say makes no sense.

Are you telling me that someone who really wants to have sex, but is scared to talk to girls, or is unattractive, or doesn't have the social skills to talk to girls, although he really wants to... should be proud of himself?

That's how most of today's "old" virgins are, they are nerds or pepole without social skills who can't get sex even though they want to, why the hell would anyone be proud of himself like that?

While I somewhat disagree with JoelCool7 on the urge to feel proud of keeping one's virginity because it's hard (that's what she said), you seem to have missed his point entirely. Personally I don't feel pride nor shame from it. It's simply something I hope to achieve as a test of self-control as well as living by example for those around me.

I'm by no means the best looking guy in the world but I'm far from the worst. I have no trouble getting along with girls and talking to them. In high school most of my best friends were girls. I don't think I'd have trouble "getting some" but to keep a cool head and maintain composure in the heat of a moment is a difficult thing to do considering Western society's attitudes and glorification of sexual activity. I think the difficulty to not be affected by this attitude is what JoelCool7 was alluding to. You yourself demonstrated exactly what he meant by describing the majority of older virgins as unattractive social outcasts. Believe it or not there are people out there who continue to live with old school values, me included, where they want to get through life with one partner only. I believe JoelCool7 suggested that those who are virgins for this reason should feel pride in their accomplishment.

Most people don't pertain to this value anymore and they have their reasons. I respect your life choices and your opinions regarding the issue but try not to be condescending or insulting in expressing your view.

Joel is a girl now?

FTR, it's cool of you to not have one of  those judgmental superior attitudes that most people in your situation typically have.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Joelcool7 said:

I am, because I'm Christian. No need to get into my beliefs.

As for being proud, I find it funny some people don't think I or others should be proud. Why wouldn't we out of everyone I know I know less then ten people who have held onto their virginity. It is a very hard thing to do and everyone is pressuring you to have sex.

Heck our culture makes Virgin's look like loosers but it takes alot of strength to hold onto your virginity. Its something admirable. Anyone who can say they are a virgin in today's soceity has my respect and I would think people would respect our commitment's to our beliefs.

Staying a virgin is the hardest thing I have ever done and I continue to do so. I used to be a jock and in good shape though today it's alittle easier because I'm no longer that attractive. But even being unattractive I have had oppurtunities. Its really hard to remain a virgin and sexually "Pure".

So yes I have alot of pride about being a virgin and every other virgin here should be damn proud about it too.

I think some people couldn't get laid even if they paid for it.

Also, why is it admirable to stay a virgin? There's nithing inherently wrong with having sex, so there's really no logical reason why you should aim to stay a virgin.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


SuperAdrianK said:
amp316 said:

My status has not changed.  I am still not a virgin.

Do you want it back?

Does an Eskimo want sunscreen?

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
SuperAdrianK said:
amp316 said:

My status has not changed.  I am still not a virgin.

Do you want it back?

Does an Eskimo want sunscreen?

Sure, the question is why not?


sapphi_snake said:
Joelcool7 said:

I am, because I'm Christian. No need to get into my beliefs.

As for being proud, I find it funny some people don't think I or others should be proud. Why wouldn't we out of everyone I know I know less then ten people who have held onto their virginity. It is a very hard thing to do and everyone is pressuring you to have sex.

Heck our culture makes Virgin's look like loosers but it takes alot of strength to hold onto your virginity. Its something admirable. Anyone who can say they are a virgin in today's soceity has my respect and I would think people would respect our commitment's to our beliefs.

Staying a virgin is the hardest thing I have ever done and I continue to do so. I used to be a jock and in good shape though today it's alittle easier because I'm no longer that attractive. But even being unattractive I have had oppurtunities. Its really hard to remain a virgin and sexually "Pure".

So yes I have alot of pride about being a virgin and every other virgin here should be damn proud about it too.

I think some people couldn't get laid even if they paid for it.

Also, why is it admirable to stay a virgin? There's nithing inherently wrong with having sex, so there's really no logical reason why you should aim to stay a virgin.

This depends on your world view or religious beliefs. I believe that sex inside marriage is a great thing however when done with tons of partners outside of marriage it looses meaning as well as can cause many problems.

However even laying religion aside and going only on a moral basis. Some people just want to save something that special for their loved one.

If you choose not to have sex out of moral basis and you abstain you should be really proud especially if you made it through HighSchool. Everyone and I mean everyone was/is having sex and the choice to not have sex goes against our western culture. To stand up against peer pressure, your hormones etc...etc... thats something to be proud of.

Its like how people who have never tried a joint or any illegal drug are proud that they didn't, or how about someone who prides themselves for not drinking alcohol?

Lets ask the opposite question, should you be proud to have had meaningless sex, or even sex with multiple people with some meaning? No you shouldn't be, why? Because you didn't do anything special everybody has sex whats so special about you having sex?

Now I'm not saying I'm better then anyone who's had sex, I'm just saying I am proud to have resisted temptation and gone against the wind so to speak. Anyone can have sex , but not anyone can abstain!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer