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I am, because I'm Christian. No need to get into my beliefs.

As for being proud, I find it funny some people don't think I or others should be proud. Why wouldn't we out of everyone I know I know less then ten people who have held onto their virginity. It is a very hard thing to do and everyone is pressuring you to have sex.

Heck our culture makes Virgin's look like loosers but it takes alot of strength to hold onto your virginity. Its something admirable. Anyone who can say they are a virgin in today's soceity has my respect and I would think people would respect our commitment's to our beliefs.

Staying a virgin is the hardest thing I have ever done and I continue to do so. I used to be a jock and in good shape though today it's alittle easier because I'm no longer that attractive. But even being unattractive I have had oppurtunities. Its really hard to remain a virgin and sexually "Pure".

So yes I have alot of pride about being a virgin and every other virgin here should be damn proud about it too.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer