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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 'Nintendo could be on a path to irrelevance', says Atari founder

I think they're going to grit it out with Wii U, letting 3DS drive the bulk of their profits for a few more years, but I'd bet money their next play is a Nintendo tablet for 2015/16 which can stream to a TV wirelessly while at home.

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richardhutnik said:
tiffac said:
richardhutnik said:
tiffac said:
This is coming from a guy, whose company almost killed the entire industry.

Yup, I guess he is credible for knowing what irrelevancy means. Lol

So, how exactly did Atari almost kill the entire videogame industry?  Do you even know what happened?  I have a feeling you believe that Atari was responsible for the glut of unlicensed content on their console by everyone and their cousin doing games.  Can you name me who at Atari was responsible for Chase the Chuckwagon?  If you don't know what Chase the Chuckwagon is, I seriously doubt you even know what the heck you are talking about regarding Atari.

I was being overexaggerated of course. My goodness its like you work for the guy and do I get anything for answering your questions?

With myself, I grew up during the Crash of the early 1980s and witnessed what happened personally.  I still have piles of magazines from the pre-crash era.  I saw how bad quality software helped to kill the industry and cause a loss of interest in home consoles.  With this, back in the day, I was an Atari fanboy, so there is a bit of that there.  But what you wrote, was WAY oversimplified, so I called you on it.  And I will say, what I see now is showing signs of things back like they were then.  Sure, I see more polish, and greater production value.  BUT still the same failing at fairly large degrees with a few on top doing winner take all.  I also saw Microsoft ALMOST walk into a DRM fiasco, that would of ended up killing a feedback loop to the indusrty by blocking used game sales, and even rentals.

By the way, it is ok to not agree with Bushnell.  Heck I disagree with him on him thinking the XBOX One, which costs $100 more than the PS3, is going to be the top selling console based on his belief that Microsoft knows software.

You're right, I did over simplify things. I forgot to blame ET. Lol!

Sorry couldn't help it. Please don't take offense I just had a good nice sleep and woke up at the right side of the bed and I am kind of hyper hehehe

snyps said:
bananaking21 said:
snyps said:
richardhutnik said:
synps, as you have shown, they have not been #1 the past 30 years. There were periods where other companies went past them. If you want to argue they have sustained the longest period of profitability and have been the longest survivor, I would say pretty much that is true with a few remaining companies like EA and Activision being with them. But, they have not been top dog every year over the past 30 years. There have been years they were not.

Also, I would HIGHLY suggest you look at total revenues and marketshare, NOT profitability. What you have now is a large market with very small profits. That is an issue.

And you do not have Atari and Sega in there either, who were rivals, and were beating Nintendo in the early years. Even then Nintendo was not top dog.

In short, your charts are biased.

revenue means squat. marketshare means squat. Profit is king! Nintendo wooped atari and sega.. there's no point in showing it here. I'm biased? Of coarse I am. That's not a question. Who's bring the facts!?! You're biased against the truth. Nintendo came out of every generation with the highest profits. Admit it.

so you are telling me the N64 and GameCube made more profits than the PS1/PS2? you do realize that nintendo had VERY successfull handhelds in that time as well. any proof that the N64/GCN made more money than the PS1/PS2? 

No.. No.. I'm not telling you that. I'm saying Nintendo as a company in the whole industry.  As per the op, bushnell is referring to handhelds too.

I don't know what world you lived in, but from about 1995-2005 Nintendo was NOT King. Yeah, their handheld sold good (with little to no competition mind you) but in the home console market they didn't account for much. In that market Sony was King.


You can bring your profits argument all you want, but if you even try to argue that N64 and Gamecube dominated PS1 and PS2 you are 100% wrong. Come on now, you're talking about the (2) best selling gaming home consoles of all time! PS1/PS2 didn't have all the profitablilty of Nintendo (Mainly due to the handhelds) but who had the customers? Who had the games? Who controlled the market?

That is what makes you king. Not who made the most money while controlling little to nothing of the home console space.

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Well, Wii U is doomed after all.

Then again, this guy should know all about being irrelevant...

forethought14 said:
Well, Wii U is doomed after all.

Then again, this guy should know all about being irrelevant...

Following this comment over and over again, I can say that I am less relevant than Bushnell, so that means I should know all about irrelevancy to, and my comments be considered gold regarding Nintendo, right?  Heck, I was a fan of Atari AND Sega in the past, so I should be primo regarding knowing what is becoming irrelevant, right?

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Euphoria14 said:
snyps said:

No.. No.. I'm not telling you that. I'm saying Nintendo as a company in the whole industry.  As per the op, bushnell is referring to handhelds too.

I don't know what world you lived in, but from about 1995-2005 Nintendo was NOT King. Yeah, their handheld sold good (with little to no competition mind you) but in the home console market they didn't account for much. In that market Sony was King.

I live in this world. The one where Nintendo is no. 1 in the game industry. 30 years, King of the hill. You wanna talk about irrelevance, having the largest marketshare/revenue but the lowest profits. That's the path to irrelevance. You wanna worry about someone, worry about PS & XBOX. They're unsustainable. If they're unprofitable again this gen, their games division is "GAME OVER".

snyps said:
Euphoria14 said:
snyps said:

No.. No.. I'm not telling you that. I'm saying Nintendo as a company in the whole industry.  As per the op, bushnell is referring to handhelds too.

I don't know what world you lived in, but from about 1995-2005 Nintendo was NOT King. Yeah, their handheld sold good (with little to no competition mind you) but in the home console market they didn't account for much. In that market Sony was King.

I live in this world. The one where Nintendo is no. 1 in the game industry. 30 years, King of the hill. You wanna talk about irrelevance, having the largest marketshare/revenue but the lowest profits. That's the path to irrelevance. You wanna worry about someone, worry about PS & XBOX. They're unsustainable. If they're unprofitable again this gen, their games division is "GAME OVER".

That's fine, believe whatever you want. All I know is that from around 1995-2005 nobody cared about Nintendo 64 or Gamecube and everyone was buying a PS1 or a PS2 and a billions games.

Yeah, profits are nice, but in those years profits did not make Nintendo relevant in the eyes of the consumer, which believe it or not are the people who decide who is king in the gaming space. A King decides the way the kingdom moves forward. Nintendo with their N64 and Gamecube did NOT do that. The people obey and serve a king. The people give gifts to their king. Last I checked all the gifts (games) weren't given to Nintendo. Last I checked the people (3rd parties) did not obey and serve Nintendo.

My world showed me that that PS1 and PS2 reigned supreme over the Gamecube and N64. More games, more sales, more consumer mindshare, etc... Ask anyone what company was king in those years and I bet 9/10 will tell you they played on a Sony console.

Let's think about this. N64 (32.93M). PS1 (104.25M). Gamecube (21.74M). PS2 (157.68M). Yup, Nintendo was King alright! Clearly the people have decided!


What is the name of your world? Surely isn wasn't called Earth right?  

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snyps said:
Euphoria14 said:
snyps said:

No.. No.. I'm not telling you that. I'm saying Nintendo as a company in the whole industry.  As per the op, bushnell is referring to handhelds too.

I don't know what world you lived in, but from about 1995-2005 Nintendo was NOT King. Yeah, their handheld sold good (with little to no competition mind you) but in the home console market they didn't account for much. In that market Sony was King.

I live in this world. The one where Nintendo is no. 1 in the game industry. 30 years, King of the hill. You wanna talk about irrelevance, having the largest marketshare/revenue but the lowest profits. That's the path to irrelevance. You wanna worry about someone, worry about PS & XBOX. They're unsustainable. If they're unprofitable again this gen, their games division is "GAME OVER".

Oh, by the way, according to your logic Microsoft was King of the last 2 gens. Have you seen Microsoft's profits?!!!!

I also guess that Apple is the current King.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:

You can bring your profits argument all you want, but if you even try to argue that N64 and Gamecube dominated PS1 and PS2 you are 100% wrong. Come on now, you're talking about the (2) best selling gaming home consoles of all time! PS1/PS2 didn't have all the profitablilty of Nintendo (Mainly due to the handhelds) but who had the customers? Who had the games? Who controlled the market?

That is what makes you king. Not who made the most money while controlling little to nothing of the home console space.


What happens when you wage a war of attrition? You deplete your war chest, borrow money, and hopefully enjoy your reign for a little while before you're thrown into exile. Ps1/2 controlled the console space for 10 years, yes. What happened to the profits? They're GONE! only 1 billion profit left. What do they have to show for it? Credit! in the minds of fans and supporters. The next phase is the eventual exile. The tortoise and the hair.

snyps said:

Euphoria14 said:

You can bring your profits argument all you want, but if you even try to argue that N64 and Gamecube dominated PS1 and PS2 you are 100% wrong. Come on now, you're talking about the (2) best selling gaming home consoles of all time! PS1/PS2 didn't have all the profitablilty of Nintendo (Mainly due to the handhelds) but who had the customers? Who had the games? Who controlled the market?

That is what makes you king. Not who made the most money while controlling little to nothing of the home console space.

What happens when you wage a war of attrition? You deplete your war chest, borrow money, and hopefully enjoy your reign for a little while before you're thrown into exile. Ps1/2 controlled the console space for 10 years, yes. What happened to the profits? They're GONE! only 1 billion profit left to show for it. What do they have to show for it? Credit! in the minds of fans and supporters. The next phase is the eventual exile. The tortoise and the hair.

That's all great, but before that time came that person was still the king, which means Nintendo was not king for the last 30 years. Thanks for agreeing.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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