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richardhutnik said:
tiffac said:
richardhutnik said:
tiffac said:
This is coming from a guy, whose company almost killed the entire industry.

Yup, I guess he is credible for knowing what irrelevancy means. Lol

So, how exactly did Atari almost kill the entire videogame industry?  Do you even know what happened?  I have a feeling you believe that Atari was responsible for the glut of unlicensed content on their console by everyone and their cousin doing games.  Can you name me who at Atari was responsible for Chase the Chuckwagon?  If you don't know what Chase the Chuckwagon is, I seriously doubt you even know what the heck you are talking about regarding Atari.

I was being overexaggerated of course. My goodness its like you work for the guy and do I get anything for answering your questions?

With myself, I grew up during the Crash of the early 1980s and witnessed what happened personally.  I still have piles of magazines from the pre-crash era.  I saw how bad quality software helped to kill the industry and cause a loss of interest in home consoles.  With this, back in the day, I was an Atari fanboy, so there is a bit of that there.  But what you wrote, was WAY oversimplified, so I called you on it.  And I will say, what I see now is showing signs of things back like they were then.  Sure, I see more polish, and greater production value.  BUT still the same failing at fairly large degrees with a few on top doing winner take all.  I also saw Microsoft ALMOST walk into a DRM fiasco, that would of ended up killing a feedback loop to the indusrty by blocking used game sales, and even rentals.

By the way, it is ok to not agree with Bushnell.  Heck I disagree with him on him thinking the XBOX One, which costs $100 more than the PS3, is going to be the top selling console based on his belief that Microsoft knows software.

You're right, I did over simplify things. I forgot to blame ET. Lol!

Sorry couldn't help it. Please don't take offense I just had a good nice sleep and woke up at the right side of the bed and I am kind of hyper hehehe