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Euphoria14 said:

You can bring your profits argument all you want, but if you even try to argue that N64 and Gamecube dominated PS1 and PS2 you are 100% wrong. Come on now, you're talking about the (2) best selling gaming home consoles of all time! PS1/PS2 didn't have all the profitablilty of Nintendo (Mainly due to the handhelds) but who had the customers? Who had the games? Who controlled the market?

That is what makes you king. Not who made the most money while controlling little to nothing of the home console space.


What happens when you wage a war of attrition? You deplete your war chest, borrow money, and hopefully enjoy your reign for a little while before you're thrown into exile. Ps1/2 controlled the console space for 10 years, yes. What happened to the profits? They're GONE! only 1 billion profit left. What do they have to show for it? Credit! in the minds of fans and supporters. The next phase is the eventual exile. The tortoise and the hair.