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Forums - Website Topics - Gran Turismo 5 or Forza 3

Mummelmann said:
I didn't realize that the thread was GT5 vs Forza 3... Kinda strange comparison, then. I must retract my statements then above since I know nothing about Forza 3 at all.

Well I did, and since neither game is out, I based my opinion on my experiences with GT1 through GT4 and Forza/Forza2. Forza is more realistic IMO. Graphically Forza has always played second fiddle to GT, thats it.

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Just as a quick BTW, I played GT3 last week just to see what it was like. When I first played GT3, I thought it was a great physics simulation (and I'm still sure that it was compared to everything else at the time), but having played lots of GT4 now, I can see how much it pales in comparison. I play both games with the Logitech Driving Force Pro. The force feedback in GT4 is far more accurate, and so is the accuracy of the physics.

Forza 3

What are you looking at, nerd?

GT5 will be the best driving sim based off past experience with both series. GT games are usually near perfection when released.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

GT5 - Its in a league of its own in racers.

Better Graphics, More Tracks, More Cars, Now has online. It will be better, and sales will back it up.

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StanGable said:
Forza 3

Explain Yourself


GT5 easily
however, i like MK better than both

without a doubt GT 5



Forza is the poorman's Gran Turismo. GT5 will be the premiere racing simulator as was the past games of the GT franchise. GT is second to NONE. They've never been out done.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Does GT5 have damage on the cars. If not, is it a true simulation. I loved GT3 and am looking forward to GT5 but without damage it's maybe falling behind. If Forza was released now without damage people wouldn't like it. If GT5 has damage(I don't think it has) I apologise and you have just destroyed my argument. What does everyone else think?