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Forums - Website Topics - Gran Turismo 5 or Forza 3

kasillas88 said:
Forza is the poorman's Gran Turismo. GT5 will be the premiere racing simulator as was the past games of the GT franchise. GT is second to NONE. They've never been out done.

 i think Mario Kart is a better racing simulator

btw: yeah, i think Forza is a ripoff of GT 

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Neither. Racing simulations are boring. Need some kinda action to make anything like that fun. Otherwise its just you playing Nascar and its boring enough to watch already haha.

Imthelegend said:
Does GT5 have damage on the cars. If not, is it a true simulation. I loved GT3 and am looking forward to GT5 but without damage it's maybe falling behind. If Forza was released now without damage people wouldn't like it. If GT5 has damage(I don't think it has) I apologise and you have just destroyed my argument. What does everyone else think?

the car makers dont allow them to damage the cars.

^y not? It's much more realistic

Forza 3 will be out after GT 5 and Forza 3 will be so much better. However GT 5 will sell alot more because its one of the only few games worth purchasing on the PS3 along with MGS 4, Final Fantasy 13 and Resistance 2. Multiplatform games are better on XBox 360 and there is XBox Live. Nintendo Wii, PS3 and XBox 360 are all worth purchasing for their exclusive titles.

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PooperScooper said:
Imthelegend said:
Does GT5 have damage on the cars. If not, is it a true simulation. I loved GT3 and am looking forward to GT5 but without damage it's maybe falling behind. If Forza was released now without damage people wouldn't like it. If GT5 has damage(I don't think it has) I apologise and you have just destroyed my argument. What does everyone else think?

the car makers dont allow them to damage the cars.

 Then why has forza been able to do it twice? Have any of you actually played forza 2? you sound like a bunch of Sony fanboys. I have played GT since the first and have loved every one, that is until 4. GT4 was basically GT3 with more/different cars. I downloaded the GT5 prolog demo with my jap account, I really hope that the game pulls it together because that demo is nothing compared to forza 2. Now Im not talking cars or tracks or even graphics, Im talking about the most important part of a racing sim... how the cars feel! GT5 just feels really floaty like GT always has. Forza might not have the cars or the tracks or even the visuals but god damn do the cars feel and handle completely accurate. So it really comes down to what is most important to you in a racing sim: sheer number of cars, visuals, tracks(not sure on the total) or accurate physics, car handling, realistic damage. Also forza is second to none when it comes to modding your car, really what are 1000 cars that you can put very few parts on? and who really needs 1988 through 2008 honda civics? Most cars in GT are slight variations. Befor the flams start I will be picking up both as racing sims are one of my favorit genres, but I am definitely more excited about forza 3! I just hope my 360 lasts that  long lol

evvil said:
PooperScooper said:
Imthelegend said:
Does GT5 have damage on the cars. If not, is it a true simulation. I loved GT3 and am looking forward to GT5 but without damage it's maybe falling behind. If Forza was released now without damage people wouldn't like it. If GT5 has damage(I don't think it has) I apologise and you have just destroyed my argument. What does everyone else think?

the car makers dont allow them to damage the cars.

 Then why has forza been able to do it twice? Have any of you actually played forza 2? you sound like a bunch of Sony fanboys. I have played GT since the first and have loved every one, that is until 4. GT4 was basically GT3 with more/different cars. I downloaded the GT5 prolog demo with my jap account, I really hope that the game pulls it together because that demo is nothing compared to forza 2. Now Im not talking cars or tracks or even graphics, Im talking about the most important part of a racing sim... how the cars feel! GT5 just feels really floaty like GT always has. Forza might not have the cars or the tracks or even the visuals but god damn do the cars feel and handle completely accurate. So it really comes down to what is most important to you in a racing sim: sheer number of cars, visuals, tracks(not sure on the total) or accurate physics, car handling, realistic damage. Also forza is second to none when it comes to modding your car, really what are 1000 cars that you can put very few parts on? and who really needs 1988 through 2008 honda civics? Most cars in GT are slight variations. Befor the flams start I will be picking up both as racing sims are one of my favorit genres, but I am definitely more excited about forza 3! I just hope my 360 lasts that  long lol

Excellent post, you touched on nearly everything I was going to say. Both are great games and I have complaints about both series, though in gameplay, Forza slightly edges out GT IMO. I don't care if there are 900 cars in a game if only 50 of them are worth driving. I also prefer the handling of Forza, though I want to see a cockpit view in the third game. I also like that Forza gives more of a fair shake to European and American cars instead of everyone whoring out a Skyline or other wildly overpowered Japanese cars in Gran Turismo games.

To take a wild guess based on the opinions in this thread, 90% of the people here haven't even played a Forza game. 

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evvil said:

Then why has forza been able to do it twice?

I don't know, why have they?

Good to see someone has played the game :) oh and on a smaller yet pretty cool note can you play GT5 on 3+ screens?

Ive played Forza and find it to be very fun but For some reason it does not compare to tge gt series
