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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 150Mhz CPU boost on XBO, now in production (1.75 GHZ)

ethomaz said:

Machiavellian said:

Actually is sounds more silly to not already have FCC Certification before going full production.  Would be really expensive if something cropped up and MS had to stop production, fix the issue, retool the plant and fix the already made consoles.  I think its safe to say that MS probably already got certification done already

Just did a quick search on the process and this part stood out


The manufacturer may request Confidentiality of the information from the FCC. This usually involves an additional $155 filing fee. If Confidentiality is not requested, all documentation will appear on the FCC website at the time the certification is granted. With the optional fee, the manufacturer can typically eliminate all design documents from this posting process."

They need at least to produce some units to sent to FCC... you can't use a prototype in FCC... and if they changed the clock in the latest months they need to make the certification again.

They did the FCC after the GPU upclock... I'm sure it was not in June.

Here is the key with the cert process.  Going through a certified agency you can get certified in 1 to 2 weeks.  Other companies have done this like Apple and Samsung.  Why anyone made a big issue of the cert was always something I thought was silly.  Also from what I have read you can set things up ahead of time.  Bascially MS could have had final at one point, changed specs and can recert just the changes.  In the end it never was anything for anyone to make an issue with

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ethomaz said:

2.75Ghz is the GDDR5 memory clock... some guys in GAF are doing the same confusion (I already corrected two)

And now the Xbone goes GOLD they can finally do the FCC certification... what make the Major Nelson comment about before July silly.

There are two things that the FCC tests for, FCC Part 68 and FCC Part 15.  FCC Part 15 is what a every computer device gets tested to determine what frequencies it emits, if any.  However, because the Xbox One and PS4 both intentially emit frequencies, they're a Class C device (The GameCube, PS2, and Xbox were all Class B devices).  The only thing the FCC would do is verify that the device doesn't emit radiation outside of the permitted frequency range. 

That said, my guess is that they certified at 1.75GHz, however I highly doubt that they would have to recertify at if they did originally start with 1.6GHz.  Reason being is you're not worried about the processor, you're worried about the unit itself giving off radiation (a frequency) that you don't expect.  The processor is giving off something at or around 1.75GHz.  In most cases, it's higher.  I seriously doubt they'd bother with recertification if the rest of the system functions properly and doesn't emit any unexpected radiation.

After all, you can buy a motherboard that has absolutely no processor on it.  The motherboard doesn't need to be tested with every single possible processor to ensure that it doesn't emit unintended background radiation.  They just need to test the board with a processor to ensure there are no flaws in the design that permit unintended background radiation.

Bottomline, yes the Xbox One could have easily gone through certification at and passed, and they likely won't have to recertify.

nightsurge said:
ethomaz said:

nightsurge said:

Albert's comments are not wrong. As you just said, it is related to silicon and electric currents, so if there were issues, they would not be UPPING the frequencies of these components (you know, passing more current through them).

Apples <> Bananas

If you have issues with the silicon you can't use it... so there are redundant areas in the chip to use if some part get wrong but when most of part of the silicon is havin issues then they won't use this chip.. that means low yelds (the percentage of good chips in the silicon is too low for massive production).

Clock have nothing to do with yelds issues.

I understand perfectly well how silicon yields work. I have a bachelor's degree in computer science, 4.0 GPA, working on Master's Degree.

What I said still stands. You do not increase clock speeds and frequencies of chips if you are having major issues producing them to begin with.

Maybe one of these days you will provide actual proof to these claims of production issues.

Good luck with that. I asked for proof last night that MS had ever officially confirmed Killer Instinct as 1080p60 (was not even doubting him, was just genuinely curious) and he vanished from the thread. I assume he went to scour Neogaf's search function.

It should be a rule to provide links.

I guess now we wait for Sony to confirm their CPU. Been seeing for months (rumors) it's 2.0

I do enjoy seeing Microsoft only confirm either increases to unconfirmed specs and/or only confirming specs after increase

Well 1.75>1.6 is certainly better. Moar power to Xbox.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

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Funny how I don't see any of the xbots say sorry to ethomaz for attacking him when he was closer to the actual clock compared to semi accurate. And u guys are still attacking him? Lol u guys should just give up and eat crow.


Moderated - Kresnik.

ethomaz said:

Lulz said:

Is that an actual fact or another one of your opinions? It's just as likely that MS played it safe to begin with and then realized they could increase clock speeds later on without the console over-heating. That theory just doesn't fit your agenda as well, though.

The upclock was forced by PS4 specs.

Please confirm this.

Cause it still looks on paper that the Xbox One CPU is killing the PS4's.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

The closer MS gets to PS4 specs, the less specs matter. Now that we have that out of the way, its time to see when Sony will get working retail units going since my understanding is all recent showings have been PCs with PS4 hardware in them. I think that is the last big thing people have been worried about.
I'm just glad that people now better understand that the Wii Us lower clock speed than PS3/360 doesn't mean its not next gen as the other 2 next gen consoles are also lower. All that means is the CPU can do more with less power.
I am interested in seeing the difference in a PPc based chip and one for mobiles like in PS4. General PPC based chips are more efficient than normal PC chips and I am curious to see how mobile chips stack up as well. I guess I need to look into it myself as anything I get here will be somewhat bias depending on the platform the responder likes.

Maybe once everyone gets done playing the specs game we can focus on what really matters. The actual games.

ethomaz said:

MS was tunning the system... so how can you have a retail unit in mass production when you are tunning the system?


NYCrysis said:

Funny how I don't see any of the xbots say sorry to ethomaz for attacking him when he was closer to the actual clock compared to semi accurate. And u guys are still attacking him? Lol u guys should just give up and eat crow.

real mature